Traditional carillons in Scandinavia:
index by maker

Traditional carillons in Denmark and its dependencies contain bells supplied by a variety of bellfoundries.  Most such sites (exceptions as noted below) are listed here by foundry and year in the following order:

For an explanation of what this index contains (and does NOT contain), and of the additional details on each entry, see the Bellfoundry Indexes Advice.

The details listed below are summarized on a corresponding page.

Bellfoundry unknown

The sources which reported the existence of these instruments, or the phase of work listed here, did not identify their makers.  They are listed in city name order rather than date order.
AARHUS                        : DENMARK - J  2017 E
   Rådhus (Town Hall)
FREDERIKSBERG                 : DENMARK - S  2012 E
HOLTE                         : DENMARK - S  2014 E
   Søllerød Slot (Castle)

van Aerschodt, Leuven (Louvain), Belgium

HILLEROD                      : DENMARK - S  1886 C  non-trad*
   Slot (Royal Castle)
Complete list of van Aerschodt foundry output.

Causard, Belgium and France

OSLO - R                      : NORWAY       1949 F
   Rådhus (City Hall)
Complete list of Causard foundry output.

Eijsbouts, Asten, Netherlands

HOLBAEK                       : DENMARK - S  ???? I
   Sct.Nicolai Kirke

VASTERAS                      : SWEDEN       1960 C
   Rådhuset (City Hall Tower)
HOLSTEBRO - N                 : DENMARK - J  1969 F
GAVLE                         : SWEDEN       1972 C
   Rådhuset (City Hall)
HOLSTEBRO - STJ               : DENMARK - J  1974 C
   Sct.Jørgenskirke (St.Jorgen Tower)
VEJLE                         : DENMARK - J  1975 F
   Sct.Nicolaj Kirke
VEJLE                         : DENMARK - J  1977 I
   Sct.Nicolaj Kirke
HOLBAEK                       : DENMARK - S  1979 F
   Sct.Nicolai Kirke
VEJLE                         : DENMARK - J  1979 E
   Sct.Nicolaj Kirke
MARSTAL                       : DENMARK      1987 F
MARSTAL                       : DENMARK      1989 I
KOBENHAVN - H                 : DENMARK - S  2002 E
   Helligånds Kirken (Holy Spirit Church)
HILLEROD                      : DENMARK - S  2005 R
   Slot (Royal Castle)
STOCKHOLM - STG               : SWEDEN       2008 E
   Deutsche St.Gertruds Kirche
   (Sct.Gertruds kyrka)
BAERUM                        : NORWAY       2009 E
   Rådhus (Town Hall)
HOLBAEK                       : DENMARK - S  2009 E
   Sct.Nicolai Kirke
SVENDBORG                     : DENMARK - F  2009 E
   Vor Frue Kirke (Our Lady Church)
ALLINGÅBRO                    : DENMARK - J  2011 C
   Vejlby Kirke
BODØ                          : NORWAY       2011 C
MARSTAL                       : DENMARK      2012 E
STOUBY                        : DENMARK - J  2012 C
   Rohden Gods
BERGEN                        : NORWAY       2014 C
SANDEFJORD                    : NORWAY       2016 E
VANTAA                        : FINLAND      2020 C
   Tikkurila Church
GRINDSTED                     : DENMARK - J  2024 C
   Grindsted Kirke (Hedens Domkirke)
Complete list of Eijsbouts foundry output.

Petit & Fritsen, Aarle-Rixtel, Netherlands

STOCKHOLM - STG               : SWEDEN       1875 C
   Deutsche St.Gertruds Kirche
   (Sct.Gertruds kyrka)
STOCKHOLM - DC                : SWEDEN       1887 C  trad?
   Dutch Church
SVENDBORG                     : DENMARK - F  1958 F
   Vor Frue Kirke (Our Lady Church)
FAABORG                       : DENMARK - F  1960 C
   Klokketårnet (Bell Tower)
VARDE                         : DENMARK - J  1963 C
   Sct.Jacobi Kirke
SILKEBORG                     : DENMARK - J  1965 C
AALBORG - B                   : DENMARK - J  1970 C
   Sct.Budolfi Domkirke
   (St.Botolph Cathedral)
KOBENHAVN - M                 : DENMARK - S  1970 C
   Margrethekirken (St.Margaret Church)
OSLO - R                      : NORWAY       1971 E
   Rådhus (City Hall)
MALMÖ                         : SWEDEN       1971 C
   Jaernhardte Stift (or) Rådhuset
KOLDING                       : DENMARK - J  1973 C
   Sct.Nicolai Kirke
LOGUMKLOSTER - T              : DENMARK - J  1973 C
   [Kong] Frederik IX's Klokkespil
   Church Music School
KOBENHAVN - VF                : DENMARK - S  1981 C
   Vor Frelsers Kirke
   (Church of Our Saviour)
FREDERIKSHAVN                 : DENMARK - J  1985 C
BRONDBY STRAND                : DENMARK - S  1986 C
   Brøndby Strand Kirke
ODENSE                        : DENMARK - F  1989 C
   Sct.Knuds Domkirke
   (Saint Canute's Cathedral)
RANDERS                       : DENMARK - J  1994 C
   Sct.Mortens Kirke
LOGUMKLOSTER - mobile         : DENMARK - J  2006 C
   Det transportable klokkespil
     (traveling carillon)
   Det Skandinaviske Klokkenistskole
   (Scandinavian Carillon School)
Complete list of Petit & Fritsen foundry output.

Hemony, Netherlands

(two foundries, combined here)
STOCKHOLM - STG               : SWEDEN       1655 F
   Deutsche St.Gertruds Kirche
   (Sct.Gertruds kyrka)
STOCKHOLM - DC                : SWEDEN       1663 F  non-trad*
   Dutch Church
   * original presumed to have been traditional
Complete list of Hemony foundries output.

Michiels, Mechelen, Belgium

HILLEROD                      : DENMARK - S  1928 R
   Slot (Royal Castle)
HOLTE                         : DENMARK - S  1928 F
   Søllerød Slot (Castle)
HOLTE                         : DENMARK - S  1929 I
   Søllerød Slot (Castle)
Complete list of Michiels foundry output.

Olsen Nauen, Tonsberg, Norway

NAUEN - mobile                : NORWAY       1971 F
   Traveling Carillon
   Olsen Nauen Bellfoundry (home)
BAERUM                        : NORWAY       1974 F  trad*
   Rådhus (Town Hall)
NAUEN - mobile                : NORWAY       1974 I
   Traveling Carillon
   Olsen Nauen Bellfoundry (home)
TRONDHEIM                     : NORWAY       1976 C
   Nidarosdomen (Cathedral)
MOLDE                         : NORWAY       1983 C
   Domkirke (Cathedral)
NAUEN - mobile                : NORWAY       1985 E
   Traveling Carillon
   Olsen Nauen Bellfoundry (home)
HAUGESUND                     : NORWAY       1988 F  trad*
   Vår Frelsers kirke
OSLO - R                      : NORWAY       2000 R
   Rådhus (City Hall)
STAVANGER                     : NORWAY       2000 E
   Domkirke (Cathedral)
OSLO - C                      : NORWAY       2003 C
   Domkirke (Cathedral)
OSLO - U                      : NORWAY       2004 C
   Uranienborg kirke (church)
HAUGESUND                     : NORWAY       2013 E
   Vår Frelsers kirke
Complete list of Olsen Nauen foundry output.

Paccard, Annecy, France

HERNING                       : DENMARK - J  1989 C
GRENAA                        : DENMARK - J  1995 F
   Dronning Ingrids Klokkespil
     (Queen Ingrids Carillon)
   Sankt Gertruds kirke
GRENAA                        : DENMARK - J  2008 I
   Dronning Ingrids Klokkespil
     (Queen Ingrids Carillon)
   Sankt Gertruds kirke
GRENAA                        : DENMARK - J  2010 I
   Dronning Ingrids Klokkespil
     (Queen Ingrids Carillon)
   Sankt Gertruds kirke
THISTED                       : DENMARK - J  2012 C
GRENAA                        : DENMARK - J  2013 E
   Dronning Ingrids Klokkespil
     (Queen Ingrids Carillon)
   Sankt Gertruds kirke
KALUNDBORG                    : DENMARK - S  2013 C
   Vor Frue kirke
Complete list of Paccard foundry output.

Rincker, Sinn, Germany

AARHUS                        : DENMARK - J  1964 I
   Rådhus (Town Hall)
Complete list of Rincker foundry output.

Sergeys, Leuven, Belgium

SANDEFJORD                    : NORWAY       1931 F
Complete list of Sergeys foundry output.

Bergholtz, Sigtuna, Sweden

VISBY                         : SWEDEN       1960 C
   Sancta Maria Domkyrka (Cathedral)
DRAMMEN - BK                  : NORWAY       1961 C
   Bragernes kirke (church)
GOTEBORG                      : SWEDEN       1961 C
   Krystine Kyrka (St.Kristine Tower,
     or Christinenkirche)
VAXJO                         : SWEDEN       1962 C
   Domkyrka (Cathedral)
NORRKÖPING                    : SWEDEN       1963 F
KARLSKRONA                    : SWEDEN       1965 C
STOCKHOLM - STC               : SWEDEN       1965 C
   S:ta Clara kyrka
LANDSKRONA                    : SWEDEN       1967 C
   Sofia Albertina kyrka
SIGTUNA - mobile              : SWEDEN       1968 C
   Traveling Carillon
   Bergholtz Klockgjuteri
STOCKHOLM - HE                : SWEDEN       1968 C
   Hedvig Eleonora kyrka
LINKOPING                     : SWEDEN       1972 C
   Sct.Lars Kyrka
NORRKÖPING                    : SWEDEN       1983 E
Complete list of Bergholtz foundry output.

De Smithske, Aalborg, Denmark

HILLEROD                      : DENMARK - S  1915 R
   Slot (Royal Castle)
KOBENHAVN - VF                : DENMARK - S  1928 C
   Vor Frelsers Kirke
   (Church of Our Saviour)
AALBORG - B                   : DENMARK - J  1934 C  trad*
   Sct.Budolfi Domkirke
   (St.Botolph Cathedral)
(This is a complete list of known De Smithske foundry output.)

Sørensen, Brønderslev, Denmark

All of these entries are specifically identified as being cast by K.T.A.Sørensen, though it is believed that other members of the family may also have been involved with the foundry.
KOBENHAVN - VF                : DENMARK - S  1928 C
   Vor Frelsers Kirke
   (Church of Our Saviour)
SVENDBORG                     : DENMARK - F  1946 C
   Vor Frue Kirke (Our Lady Church)
KOBENHAVN - H                 : DENMARK - S  1947 F
   Helligånds Kirken (Holy Spirit Church)
AARHUS                        : DENMARK - J  1948 F
   Rådhus (Town Hall)
FREDERIKSBERG                 : DENMARK - S  1953 C
ODENSE                        : DENMARK - F  1979 F  trad*
   Sct.Knuds Domkirke
   (Saint Canute's Cathedral)
(This is a complete list of Sørensen foundry output.)

Miscellaneous founders, not listed above

One instance each; in order by year.
STOCKHOLM - STG               : SWEDEN       19?? C
   Deutsche St.Gertruds Kirche
   (Sct.Gertruds kyrka)
   cast by Ohlsson, Hammenhõg, Sweden

VEJLE                         : DENMARK - J  1939 C  chime*
   Sct.Nicolaj Kirke
   cast by Løw & søn, København
HOLSTEBRO - N                 : DENMARK - J  1989 I
   cast by Thubalka (B.Nielsen)
HOLSTEBRO - N                 : DENMARK - J  1996 E
   cast by Thubalka
Complete list of miscellaneous foundry output.

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