Index to carillons and chimes by Olsen Nauen

The Olsen Nauen foundry has provided bells for various carillons and chimes throughout Norway.  See the bottom of this page for contact information and historical notes.

For an explanation of what this index contains (and does NOT contain), and of the additional details on each entry, see the Bellfoundry Indexes Advice.

Olsen Nauen, Tønsberg, Norway

NAUEN - mobile                : NORWAY       1971 F  trad
   Traveling Carillon
   Olsen Nauen Bellfoundry (home) 
TONSBERG                      : NORWAY       1971 C  non-trad
   Sems Sparebank 
LILLESTRØM                    : NORWAY       1973 C  chime
   Øvre Rælingen kirke
BAERUM                        : NORWAY       1974 F  non-trad
   Rådhus (Town Hall) 
NAUEN - mobile                : NORWAY       1974 I  trad
   Traveling Carillon
   Olsen Nauen Bellfoundry (home) 
LANGHUS                       : NORWAY       1975 C  chime
   Langhus kirke 
DRAMMEN - LS                  : NORWAY       1976 C  chime
   Lier Sykehus 
OSLO - FK                     : NORWAY       1976 C  chime
   Fossum kirke 
TRONDHEIM                     : NORWAY       1976 C  trad
   Nidarosdomen (Cathedral) 
OSLO - BK                     : NORWAY       1977 C  chime
   Bredtvet kirke 
OSLO - RK                     : NORWAY       1978 C  chime
   Rødtvet kirke 
OSLO - EK                     : NORWAY       1981 C  chime
   Ellingsrud kirke 
ARENDAL                       : NORWAY       1982 C  chime
   Trefoldighet kirke 
MOLDE                         : NORWAY       1983 C  trad
   Domkirke (Cathedral) 
OSLO - VK                     : NORWAY       1984 C  chime
   Vålerenga kirke 
NAUEN (Mobile)                : NORWAY       1985 E  trad
   Traveling Carillon
   Olsen Nauen Bellfoundry (home) 
REYKJAVIK - BU                : ICELAND      1985 C  chime
HAUGESUND                     : NORWAY       1988 F  trad*
   Vår Frelsers kirke 
OSLO - SVK                    : NORWAY       1988 C  chime
   Skøyen Vest kirke 
REYKJAVIK - BR                : ICELAND      1988 C  chime
KRISTIANSAND                  : NORWAY       1990 C  non-trad
   Kristiansand Domkirke 
OSLO - HK                     : NORWAY       1992 C  chime
   Holmlia kirke 
STAVANGER                     : NORWAY       2000 E  trad
   Domkirke (Cathedral) 
OSLO - R                      : NORWAY       2000 R  trad
   Rådhus (City Hall) 
OSLO - C                      : NORWAY       2003 C  trad
   Domkirke (Cathedral) 
OSLO - U                      : NORWAY       2004 C  trad
   Uranienborg kirke (church) 
HAUGESUND                     : NORWAY       2013 E  trad
   Vår Frelsers kirke 


  Olsen-Nauen Klokkestøperi AS
    PB 2035
    N-3103 Tønsberg
    Åshaugveien 174
    N-3157 Barkåker
  T:  33 35 90 40
  F:  33 35 90 49

Site locator map
City locator maps and gazetteer page

Historical Notes:

Six generations of bellfounders; management:
  Ole Olsen, 1844-
  Ole Chr. Olsen, 1860-
  Ole Olsen Nauen (I), 1893-
  Ole Olsen Nauen (II), 1926-
  Ole Chr. Olsen Nauen, 1963-
  Morten Høie Olsen-Nauen, 2005-
Obituary from NSCK, 24 May 2024:
The Norwegian bell founder Ole Christian Olsen Nauen (1939–2024) succeeded his father in 1963 as the leader of the family company Olsen Nauen Bell Foundry founded in 1844 in Tønsberg, Norway.  Ole Christian developed and introduced new technology to the company, to their way of founding bells and constructing carillons.  He was one of the co-founders of the Nordic Guild of Campanology (later Nordic Guild of Campanolgy and Carillon) in 1966.  In 2007 Ole Christian was awarded the King’s Medal of Merit in gold for his work as a bell founder.  Ole Christian passed away the night before 24 May 2024.  His good memory lives in our hearts and rings from bells from his hand spread over the world.


The foundry Website (also at an alternate URL) is entirely in Norwegian.  On the Klokkespill (carillon) page is a photo of the transportable carillon and a photo of the new bells for Oslo City Hall.

A business directory Website provides locator maps, both overview and detailed, for the bellfoundry.

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This index page was built from the database on 14-Apr-06 and last revised on 31-Dec-24.

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