Index of all sites by "miscellaneous" makers

Carillons and chimes throughout the world contain bells supplied by a variety of bellfoundries.  There is a separate index page for each major bellfoundry, plus one for unknown foundries; this page collects together references to work by minor or "miscellaneous" foundries, i.e., those which did not produce sufficient work (that we know about just now) to have their own index page (yet).  This index identifies the makers of great bells that are not contained within instruments or collections of 8 or more bells, but not those which are so contained.

For an explanation of what this index contains (and does NOT contain), and of the additional details on each entry, see our Bellfoundry Indexes Advice.

Miscellaneous founders

In order by year (unknown first, in order by city).
ANTOING                       : BELGIUM      1??? F  trad
   Tour St.Pierre
   cast by Barbieux
BAPAUME                       : FRANCE - 62  1??? C (chime)
   Beffroi de l'Hôtel de Ville
   cast by Barbieux, Tournai
BERGEN OP ZOOM                : NETHERLANDS  17?? C (chime)
   St.Geertruidstoren (Peperbus)
   cast by J. ter Stege
BREMEN - STM                  : GERMANY-BRD  ???? C  chime
   St.Martini Kirche
   cast by Otto, Hemelingen
CHATENAY                      : FRANCE - 38  1??? E  chime
   cast by François Valette, Lyon
DE RIJP                       : NETHERLANDS  20?? C  trad
   Grote Kerk
   cast by Simon Laudy, Finsterwolde
HERTOGENBOSCH - STJ           : NETHERLANDS  16__ F (trad)
   cast by Willem & Jaspar Moer
JERUSALEM - HGC               : ISRAEL       18?? C  chime
   Holy Sepulchre Church
   cast by Andrei Samgin, Moscow
LANGENLOIS                    : AUSTRIA      19?? C  chime
   made by Pfundner, Vienna, Austria
Munich                        : Germany      1??? -  great
   brass; cast by Karl Czudnochowsky, Erding
NEW YORK - HR                 : USA - NY     ???? *  chime
   Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
   includes 6 bells by Constance
Licheń Stary                  : POLAND       ???? -  great
   Basilica of Our Lady of Lichen
   cast by F&ecedil;lczyński, 
STOCKHOLM - STG               : SWEDEN       19?? C  trad
   Deutsche St.Gertruds Kirche
   (Sct.Gertruds kyrka)
   cast by Ohlsson, Hammenhõg, Sweden
TORHOUT                       : BELGIUM      1??? C [trad]
   cast by J. du Mery
TOULOUSE - STS                : FRANCE - 31  ???? C  chime
   Basilique Saint-Sernin
   cast by Louison, Toulouse
ZD'AR NAD SAZAVOU             : CZECH REP.   2??? C  chime
   Old Town Hall
   cast by ZDár foundry, Zd'ár nad Sázavou

Beijing (Peking)              : China        1404 -  great
   Temple of the Great Bell
   cast by Yao Kuang-Hsiao (or Ya Kuang-Hsia)
Strasbourg                    : France       1427 -  great
   Cathédrale Notre Dame
   cast by Hans Gremp
GERAARDSBERGEN                : BELGIUM      1428 F  trad
   Sint Bartholomeuskerk
   cast by Goes
Köln (Cologne)                : Germany      1448 -  great
   Dom (Cathedral)
   cast by Heinrich Brodermann & Christian Cloit
Köln (Cologne)                : Germany      1449 -  great
   Dom (Cathedral)
   cast by Johannes (Hoerken) de Vechel
Kracow (Cracow)               : Poland       1463 -  great
   Wavel Castle
   cast by Jan F&ecedil;lczyński
Erfurt                        : Germany      1497 -  great
   "Maria Gloriosa"
   cast by Gerard de Wou
Torun                         : Poland       1500 -  great
   "Tuba Dei"
   Ss.Johns Cathedral
   cast by Martin Schmidt
Fribourg                      : SWITZERLAND  1505 -  great
   cast by Petrus Monturiolis
UTRECHT - D/1                 : NETHERLANDS  1505 F  peal
   Lower belfry
   cast by van Wou
Cracow                        : POLAND       1520 -  great
   cast by Hans Beham, Nuremberg
LEUVEN - STP                  : BELGIUM      1525 F  trad
   Stadsbeiaard (city carillon)
   West tower
   Sint-Pieterskerk (St.Peter's Church)
   cast by P.Waghevens
BRUGGE - H                    : BELGIUM      1528 F  trad
   City carillon (stadsbeiaard)
   Halletoren (Belfort)
   cast by Jacob Waghevens
Valencia                      : Spain        1539 -  great
   "La Micalet"
   Catedral de Santa Maria
   cast by Lluís Trilles
ALKMAAR - W                   : NETHERLANDS  154_ F (chime)
   cast by Jacob Waghevens
GENT - B                      : BELGIUM      1541 F  trad
   cast by Waghevens, Mechelen
DEN HAAG - STJ                : NETHERLANDS  1541 -  great
   Grote Kerk
   cast by Jasper & Jan Moer (den Bosch)
Maastricht                    : Netherlands  1541 -  great
   cast by Willem & Jaspar Moer
Praha (Prague)                : Czech. Rep.  1543?-  great
   St.Vitus Cathedral
   cast by Thomas Jarusch
BERGUES-ST.WINOC - B          : FRANCE - 59  1544 C (chime)
   Beffroi Communal
   (Hôtel de Ville/Stadhuis)
   cast by Jean Eenwoudt, Bruges
ANTWERPEN                     : BELGIUM      1547 F  trad
   City carillon (stadsbeiaard)
   O.L.V. Kathedraal
   cast by C.Waghevens, Mechelen
DENDERMONDE - B               : BELGIUM      1548 F (trad)
   Belfort--Stadhuis/Lakenhal/Town Hall
   cast by Jacob Waghevens
IEPER - B                     : BELGIUM      1549 F (trad#)
   Halletoren (Belfort)
   cast by J.Groignart and J.Samyn
DEINZE - H                    : BELGIUM      1550 C [chime]
   cast by Jan Waghevens, Ghent
MAASTRICHT - STS              : NETHERLANDS  1555 F  trad
   Sint Servaaskerk (St. Gervase Church)
   cast by van Trier
OUDENAARDE                    : BELGIUM      1556 C (trad)
   Ste.Walburgatoren (or St.Walburgis)
   cast by J.Waghevens, Mechelen
BERGUES-ST.WINOC - B          : FRANCE - 59  1560 C (chime)
   Beffroi Communal
   (Hôtel de Ville/Stadhuis)
   cast by Simon Heudebert, Bergues
GDANSK - R                    : POLAND       1560 C (chime)
   Old Town Hall
   made by Johannes Moor, 's Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Sens                          : France       1560 -  great
   Cathedrale St.Étienne ("la Potentienne")
   cast by Gaspard Mongin-Viard, Auxerre
Sens                          : France       1563 -  great
   Cathedrale St.Étienne ("la Savinienne")
   cast by Gaspard Mongin-Viard, Auxerre
DUEREN                        : GERMANY-BRD  1564 C (chime)
   cast by Henrick van Trier
Reims                         : France       1570 -  great
   Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims
   cast by Pierre Deschamps
Delft                         : Netherlands  1570 -  great
   Oude Kerk
   cast by Henrick (I) van Trier
AIRE-SUR-LA-LYS               : FRANCE - 62  1571 C (chime)
   Hôtel de Ville
   cast by Martin Heuwin
Milano (Milan)                : Italy - MI   1582 -  great
   "Maria Nascenta"
   cast by Giovanni Battista Busca
Pamplona                      : Spain        1584 -  great
   "María, La Mayor"
   cast by Pedro de Villanueva
BERGUES                       : FRANCE - 00  1586 C [chime]
   Église St-Martin
   cast by Esquelbecq
VLISSINGEN - STJ              : NETHERLANDS  1587 F (trad)
   Sint Jakobstoren
   Ned.Herv.Kerk (Grote Kerk)
   cast by Thomas Both
Seville                       : Spain        1588 -  great
   "Santa Maria"
   cast by Balavarca
LEIDEN - S                    : NETHERLANDS  1589 F (trad)
   cast by van Trier
HONDSCHOOTE                   : FRANCE - 59  1595 C (chime)
   Église Saint-Vaast
   cast by Esquelbecq
Strasbourg                    : France       1595 -  great
   Cathédrale Notre Dame (hour repetition bell)
   cast by Johann Jakob Miller, Strasbourg
BRUGGE - H                    : BELGIUM      1603 I  trad
   City carillon (stadsbeiaard)
   Halletoren (Belfort)
   cast by Marc le Serre, Bergues
Metz                          : France       1605 -  great
   Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Metz
   joint effort of several makers
IEPER - B                     : BELGIUM      1608 E (trad)
   Halletoren (Belfort)
   cast by J.Groignart and J.Samyn
Bern                          : Switzerland  1611 -  great
   cast by Balavarca
Catania, Sicilia (Sicily)     : Italy - CT   1614 -  great
   Duomo (Cathedral)
   cast by Giacomo Sanfilippo e Figli
APPINGEDAM                    : NETHERLANDS  1620 F (chime)
   Sint Nicolaaskerk
   cast by François Simon
MOSKVA - IV                   : RUSSIA       1622 -  great
   Ivan Veliki (Ivan the Great) Bell Tower complex
   within the Kremlin
   second bell made by Andrey Chohov
Hamburg                       : Germany      1626 -  great
   cast by Hans Neussel
THOLEN                        : NETHERLANDS  1627 F (chime)
   cast by Michael Burgerhuys
BERGUES-ST.WINOC - B          : FRANCE - 59  1628 C (trad)
   Beffroi Communal
   (Hôtel de Ville/Stadhuis)
   cast by Jean Blampain, St.Omer
BRUGGE - H                    : BELGIUM      1631 I  trad
   City carillon (stadsbeiaard)
   Halletoren (Belfort)
   cast by Marc le Serre, Bergues
Amsterdam                     : Netherlands  1636 -  great
   cast by Assueris Koster
Ghent                         : Belgium      1636 -  great
   cast by Florent Delcourt
HASSELT                       : NETHERLANDS  1640 C (trad)
   Sint Stephanustoren
   Grote Kerk (Ned.Herv.Kerk)
   cast by G.Wegewaert
HERTOGENBOSCH - STJ           : NETHERLANDS  1642 I  trad
   cast by Jacob Noteman, Leeuwarden
LEUVEN - STG                  : BELGIUM      1642 F  trad
   Sint-Geertruikerk  (Abdij)
   cast by B.Cauthals, Mechelen
HERTOGENBOSCH - STJ           : NETHERLANDS  1647 E (trad)
   cast by Van Spraekel
HERENTALS                     : BELGIUM      1649 F  trad
   Stadhuistoren (Belfort)
   cast by Reynauld (Regnault)
OOSTENDE                      : BELGIUM      1653 C (trad)
   Feest- en Cultuurpaleis
   cast by Lievin van Larebeke (Gent)
Novgorod                      : Russia       1659 -  great
   St.Sophia's Cathedral
   made by Jermolai Wassiljew
AALST                         : BELGIUM      1666 C (trad)
   cast by Hendrik Lefebvre, Antwerp
MONS - B                      : BELGIUM      1673 F  trad
   Belfort (Beffroi)
   cast by Delapaix
Exeter                        : England      1676 -  great
   Cathedral Church of St.Peter (Anglican)
   cast by T.Purdue
Oxford                        : ENGLAND      1680 -  great
   Oxford University
   cast by Christopher Hodson
LEIDEN - S                    : NETHERLANDS  1680 E (trad)
   cast by Mammes Fremy
PURMEREND                     : NETHERLANDS  1681 C (trad)
   cast by Mammes Fremy
Toledo                        : Spain        1681 -  great
   cast by Gregorio de Barcia
MONTREUIL-SUR-MER             : FRANCE - 62  1682 C  chime
   Église Abbatiale Saint-Saulve
     (originally Saint-Walloy)
   cast by Pierre Chapperon
Toledo                        : Spain        1682 -  great
   cast by Gregorio de Barcia
ROSTOV VELIKII                : RUSSIA       1682 -  great
   Uspenski Sobor (Assumption Cathedral)
   second bell made by Philip Andreev
Paris                         : France - 00  1685 -  great
   Notre Dame Cathedral
   cast by Nicholas Chappelle & I.Gillot & E.Moreau
EINDHOVEN - S                 : NETHERLANDS  1686 C (chime)
   cast by Claudius Fremy
LEEUWARDEN - S                : NETHERLANDS  1686 F  trad
   cast mainly by Claudius Fremy
ROSTOV VELIKII                : RUSSIA       1689 -  great
   Uspenski Sobor (Assumption Cathedral)
   bass bell made by Florae Terentyev
PRAHA - L                     : CZECH REP.   1690 C  trad*
   Loreto Cloister Museum Tower
   cast by Claudius Fremy
RIGA                          : LATVIA       1694 C [trad]
   St.Peter Church
   cast by Claudius Fremy
AMSTERDAM - WK                : NETHERLANDS  1699 I  trad
   cast by Claes Noorden & J.A. deGrave
BERGUES-ST.WINOC - A          : FRANCE - 59  1700 C [trad]
   Abbey of St.Winoc
   cast by Pierre & Toussaint Cambron
AMSTERDAM - ZK                : NETHERLANDS  1700 I  trad
   Zuider Kerk
   cast by N.Noorden
MOSKVA - ST/1                 : RUSSIA       1702 C  non-trad
   (ancient carillon)
   Spasskaya Bashnya (The Savior Tower)
   Kremlin (east wall)
   cast by Claes Noorden & J.A. deGrave
Magdeburg                     : Germany      1702 - great
   cast by Johann Jacobi
London                        : England      1708 - (great)
   Former hour bell
   St.Paul's Cathedral (Anglican)
   cast by Philip Wightman
London                        : England      1710 -  great
   St.Paul's Cathedral (Anglican)
   cast by Richard Phelps
OOSTENDE                      : BELGIUM      1711 F (trad)
   Feest- en Cultuurpaleis
   cast by Guillelmus (Willem) Witlockx, Antwerp
MENEN                         : BELGIUM      1713 C (trad)
   City Hall (Belfort)
   cast by Ignace de Cock
LEUVEN - STP                  : BELGIUM      1714 I  trad
   Stadsbeiaard (city carillon)
   West tower
   Sint-Pieterskerk (St.Peter's Church)
   cast by N.Noorden & J.A. deGrave
BERLIN - RP                   : GERMANY      1714 C (trad)
   Reformirte Parochialkirche
   cast by Johann Jacobi
BERLIN - RP                   : GERMANY      1717 C (trad)
   Reformirte Parochialkirche
   cast by Noorden & deGrave
MIDDELBURG                    : NETHERLANDS  1714 F  trad
   Abdijtoren - "Lange Jan"
   cast by N.Noorden & J.A. deGrave
ATH                           : BELGIUM      1715 C (trad)
   City carillon
   Eglise Saint-Julien (Sint-Juliaankerk)
   cast by Witlockx
GRIMBERGEN                    : BELGIUM      1715 C (trad)
   Norbertijner Abdij
   (St.Servaas Basilica)
   cast by Witlockx
London                        : England      1716 -  great
   St.Paul's Cathedral (Anglican)
   cast by Richard Phelps
AALST                         : BELGIUM      1717 F (trad)
   cast by Joannes Pauwels, Gent
LIEGE - PPE                   : BELGIUM      1717 F  chime
   Palais des Princes Evêques
   cast by Petrus Bouverie
TONGEREN                      : BELGIUM      1717 F  trad
   O.L.V.Kerk (Basiliek)
   cast by Petrus Bouverie
BAILLEUL                      : FRANCE - 59  1717 C (trad)
   Hôtel de Ville
   cast by Bernard, Lorraine
GENSHAGEN                     : GERMANY-DDR  1717 C [trad]
   cast by J.A. deGrave
PRESTEIGNE                    : WALES - PO   1717 *  chime/ring
   St.Andrew Parish Church
   a mix of Rudhall (1717) and Whitechapel (1906) bells
EINDHOVEN - S                 : NETHERLANDS  1722 C (chime?)
   cast by Alexius Jullien, Luik
Lyon - STJ                    : France - 69  1722 -  great
   Primatiale Saint-Jean de Lyon
   cast by Pierre Recordon
POTSDAM - G                   : GERMANY-DDR  1722 F (trad)
   Glockenspiel zur Erinnerung
     an die Garnisonkirche
   Garnisonkirche memorial plaza
   cast by J.A. deGrave
OOSTENDE                      : BELGIUM      1722 E (trad)
   Feest- en Cultuurpaleis
   cast by Guillelmus (Willem) Witlockx (Antwerp)
HATTEM                        : NETHERLANDS  1722-27 F trad
   cast by J.A. deGrave
TIENEN                        : BELGIUM      1723 F  trad
   Stadsbeiaard (city carillon)
   Sint Germanuskerk (S.Germain)
   cast by Witlockx
HELMOND - STL                 : NETHERLANDS  1724*F  trad
   Sint Lambertuskerk
   * cast by Alexius Jullien for another site
PERTH - SC/1                  : AUSTRALIA    1725-70*F  ring
   The Swan Bells
   The Bell Tower
   * cast by Rudhall for another site
HASSELT                       : BELGIUM      1728 F  trad
   Sint Quintinuskathedraal
   cast by A.Bernard
POTSDAM - G                   : GERMANY-DDR  1728 E (trad)
   Glockenspiel zur Erinnerung
     an die Garnisonkirche
   Garnisonkirche memorial plaza
   cast by Paul Maurer
STIRLING                      : SCOTLAND-ST  1729 F  chime
   Tolbooth (or) Broad Street Steeple
   cast by J.Waylett
Santiago de Compostela        : Spain        1729 -  great
   Catedral del Apóstal Santiago
   cast by Pedro Güemes
MAFRA - N                     : PORTUGAL     1730 C  trad/great
   Lower belfry, north tower
   cast by Nicolas Levache, Antwerp or Liege
MAFRA - S                     : PORTUGAL     1730 -  trad/great
   Palace (south tower)
   cast by Willem Witlockx (Antwerp)
LUDLOW                        : ENGLAND -SH  1732 F  ring
   Parish Church of St.Laurence Ludlow
   cast by Rudhall, Gloucester, England
Moscow                        : Russia       1733 -  great
   Kremlin ("Tsar Kolokol")
   cast by Motorin
ARBOIS                        : FRANCE - 39  1738 F  chime
   Eglise Saint-Just
   cast by Goussel
GDANSK - K                    : POLAND       1738 C (trad)
   Sw.Katarzyna (St.Catharine's Church)
   made by J.N.Derck, Hoorn, Netherlands
SEURRE                        : FRANCE - 21  1742 C (trad)
   Église Saint-Martin
   cast by Alexis & François Jolly
BOSTON - CC                   : USA - MA     1744 C  ring
   Christ Church ("Old North"; Episcopal)
   cast by Abel Rudhall, Gloucester, England
PRAHA - L                     : CZECH REP.   1747 R  trad*
   Loreto Cloister Museum Tower
   one bell recast by Lisiak
BRUGGE - H                    : BELGIUM      1748 I  trad
   City carillon (stadsbeiaard)
   Halletoren (Belfort)
   cast by J. du Mery
AALST                         : BELGIUM      1750 F (trad)
   cast by J. du Mery
ZOTTEGEM                      : BELGIUM      1750 F  trad
   City Carillon
   O.L.V. Hemelvaartkerk
   (Assumption of Our Lady)
   cast by J. du Mery
Toledo                        : Spain        1753 -  great
   cast by Alejandro Gargollo
ENGHIEN                       : BELGIUM      1754 F  trad
   Eglise St-Nicolas de Smyrne
   (St.Niklaas Kerk)
   cast by G. du Mery
HANAU                         : GERMANY-BRD  1755 C (chime)
   Alter Rathausturm
   cast by Jacob Michael, Darmstadt
SAINT PETERSBURG - PK/2       : RUSSIA       1757 C  non-trad*
   Petropavlovskaya Krepost
   (Peter & Paul Tower; lantern)
   made largely by J.N.Derck
BOUCHAIN                      : FRANCE - 59  1758 - [trad]
   cast by Corsin, Lille
CHIMAY                        : BELGIUM      1761 C  trad
   Eglise SS.Pierre et Paul
   (Collegiale Kerk)
   cast by du Mery
SAINT-QUENTIN                 : FRANCE - 02  1762 F  trad
   Hôtel de Ville
   cast by Barbieux
ROUBAIX                       : FRANCE - 59  1763 C (trad)
   Église Saint-Martin
   cast by Vandaele/Van Dale, Tournai
BERGAMO - SMM                 : ITALY - BG   1766 C  chime
   Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore
   cast by Giacomo Crespi, Crema
GOES - MM                     : NETHERLANDS  1766 F  trad
   Groote Kerk Maria Magdalena
   cast by Petit
(or by Kansz and A.J. van den Gheyn)
ANTWERPEN : BELGIUM 1767 I trad City carillon (stadsbeiaard) O.L.V. Kathedraal cast by du Mery SOLOTHURN : SWITZERLAND 1768 C chime St.Ursen-Kathedrale (St.Ursus Cathedral) cast by Gebrüder Jost & Joseph Kaiser, Zug SNEEK : NETHERLANDS 1770 C (trad) Sint-Maartenstoren (Martinikerk) N.H.Kerk (Grote Kerk) cast by Borchard & Eckhof CARCASSONNE - STV : FRANCE - 11 1773 C (chime) Église Saint-Vincent cast by Bouvie BETHUNE - BC/1 : FRANCE - 62 1773 C (trad) Beffroi communal (belfry) cast by Philippe de Corsin TIELT : BELGIUM 1773 F trad Belfort/Stadhuis/Halletoren cast by du Mery Bordeaux : France - 33 great former St.Eloi town gate cast by Turmeau NIEUWPOORT : BELGIUM 1777 E (trad) City carillon O.L.V. Kerk cast by Georgius du Mery TONGEREN : BELGIUM 1782 I trad Stadtoren O.L.V.Kerk (Basiliek) cast by F.Chaudoir SAINT-AMAND-LES-EAUX - 1 : FRANCE - 59 1784 F trad Tour de l'ancienne Abbaye cast by Barbieux, Tournai Solovky' Island : Russia 1784 - [great] Solovetsky Monastery cast by Peter Evdokimov, St.Petersburg, Russia MALMEDY : BELGIUM 1786 F trad Cathédrale SS-Pierre-Paul-et-Quirin (Kathedraal St.Quirin) cast by J. Legros Vatican City : Vatican 1786 - great Basilica di San Pietro (St.Peter's Basilica) cast by Guiseppe Valadrier, Roma (Rome) Murcia : Spain 1790 - great #1 Murcia : Spain 1790 - great #2 Murcia Cathedral cast by Fernando de Venero BAYEUX : FRANCE - 14 1797 C chime Cathédrale Notre-Dame cast by Dubosq LEUVEN - STG : BELGIUM 1802 I trad Sint-Geertruikerk (Abdij) cast by J.Zeelstman WANGARATTA : AUSTRALIA 1806*C ring Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity * cast for St.George's Church, Bolton, Lancashire, England, by Rudhall of Gloucester HONOLULU - STA : USA - HI 1812*C ring St.Andrew's Episcopal Cathedral * cast for St.Alkmund's Church, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, by John Briant MOSKVA - IV : RUSSIA 1817 - great Ivan Veliki (Ivan the Great) Bell Tower complex within the Kremlin bass bell made by Zavyalov & Rusinov VILLEFRANCHE-DE-ROUERGUE : FRANCE - 12 1818 F trad# Collégiale Notre-Dame cast here by Dubois of HuillĂ©-Court, Haute-Marne CASTELNAUDARY - STM : FRANCE - 11 1821 F trad Collégiale Saint-Michel cast by Brocard SPEYER : GERMANY-BRD 1822 F peal/great Imperial Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption and St.Stephen cast by Peter Lindemann of Zweibrücken ROUBAIX : FRANCE - 59 1824 C (trad) Église Saint-Martin cast by Cavillier, Amiens OPPEANO : ITALY - VR 1830 F chime/ring Chiesa di S.Maria e Giovanni Battista cast by Selegari, Verona, Italy DESIO - SSM : ITALY - MB 1843 C chime Basilica dei Santi Siro e Materno cast by Felice Bizzozero, Varese FREIBURG-IM-BREISGAU - M : GERMANY-BRD 1843 C peal Muenster cast by Glockengießerei Rosenlächer, Konstanz CASTRES : FRANCE - 81 1847 F trad* Église Notre-Dame-de-la-Platé cast by Louison, Toulouse CHARLESTON - STPH : USA - SC 1850*C [chime] St.Philip's Episcopal Church * cast in 1848 by Francis Mayer and T.I.Dyer, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Auch : France 1853 - great Cathédrale Sainte-Marie d'Auch cast by Gédeon Morel, Lyon HARELBEKE : BELGIUM 1856 C (trad) Sint Salvatorkerk cast by du Mery AACHEN - M : GERMANY 1857 C [trad] Münster cast by Goulard Fils, Malmedy CASTELNAUDARY - STJ : FRANCE - 11 1858 E chime Église Saint-Jean cast by Maurel LANCASTER - T : USA - PA 1860 C chime The Evangelical Lutheran Church of The Holy Trinity (ELCA) cast by Naylor, Vickers & Co., Sheffield, England - steel (E.Riepe's patent) London : England 1862 - great (Italian) Church of St.Peter (RC) cast by Naylor Vickers (steel) PAMIERS - STA : FRANCE - 09 1863 F (chime) Cathédrale St-Antonin cast by Louison, Toulouse PARIS - STG : FRANCE - 00 1864 C non-trad St-Germain l'Auxerrois cast by Hildebrand LYON - STPL : FRANCE - 69 1865 C chime Église Saint-Paul cast by Gédeon Morel, Lyon RANDWICK : AUSTRALIA 1865 C (ring) St.Jude's Anglican Church cast by Vickers, Sheffield ZOUTLEEUW : BELGIUM 1866 F trad Sint-Leonarduskerk cast partly by Waghevens, vanAerschodt, Espen MOLANDIER : FRANCE - 11 1867 F chime Église de l'Assomption de Nôtre-Dame cast in (or by) Pèlegrin-Lévêgrin MELBOURNE - STPAT : AUSTRALIA 1868 C ring St.Patrick's Cathedral cast by John Murphy, Dublin, Ireland SHANDON : IRELAND -CK 1870 C chime Cathedral of St.Mary & St.Anne cast by John Murphy, Dublin, Ireland Köln (Cologne) : Germany 1874 - (great) "Gloriosa" (#1) Dom (Cathedral) cast by Andreas Hamm NEWPORT : WALES - GT 1874 C chime St.Mary, Stow Hill, RC Church cast by Blews FRANKFURT-AM-MAIN - STB/1 : GERMANY 1877 C peal/great City peal Kaiserdom St.Bartholomäus cast by C.L.H.Grosse, J.G.Grosse bellfoundry (Dresden) PERPIGNAN : FRANCE - 66 1878 C (chime) City carillon Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste (was Église Saint-Jean) cast by Eugène Baudouin, Marseilles POLIGNY : FRANCE - 39 1878 F chime Collégiale Saint-Hippolyte cast by by Farnier, Ribécourt Pan-ay : Philippines 1878 - great St.Monica Church cast by Juan de la Reina (Iloilo) ROEHAMPTON : ENGLAND -SW 1879 C chime St.Joseph RC Church cast by T.C.Lewis SAINT-GAUDENS : FRANCE - 31 1879 F trad Église Saint-Pierre et Saint-Gaudens cast by Pourcel, Villefranche de Rouergue BERGUES-ST.WINOC - B : FRANCE - 59 1880 C (trad) Beffroi Communal (Hôtel de Ville/Stadhuis) cast by Crouzet-Hildebrand, Paris SAINT-QUENTIN : FRANCE - 02 1880 I trad Hôtel de Ville cast by Barbieux? GLASGOW : SCOTLAND-LA 1881 C chime Tolbooth (or) Cross Steeple cast by John C. Wilson, Glasgow LE CREUSOT : FRANCE - 71 1883 F trad Église St-Henri cast by Crouzet-Hildebrand, Paris WEXFORD : IRELAND -WX 1883 C (chime) Immaculate Conception Church cast by Murphy, Dublin, Ireland ROSATE : ITALY - MI 1888 C ring Chiesa Prepositurale di Santo Stefano cast by Barigozzi, Milan MOUNT ATHOS : GREECE 1889 C zvon/great St.Panteleimon Monastery (Moni Agiou Panteleimonos) cast by Dmitri Samgin, Moscow BORGERHOUT : BELGIUM 1890 F trad Districtshuis (was Stadhuis) cast by Alphonse Beullens, Leuven MELBOURNE - GPO : AUSTRALIA 1890 C chime General Post Office cast by John C. Wilson & Co., Glasgow, Scotland BARABOO : USA - WI 1892 C chime Ringling Bros. Bell Wagon Circus World Museum cast by Gardiner Campbell & Sons, Centennial Bell Foundry, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA TOULOUSE - NDT : FRANCE - 31 1893 C chime Église Notre-Dame du Taur cast by Lévêque-Amans, Toulouse PAMIERS - NDC : FRANCE - 09 1896 F chime Nôtre Dame du Camp cast by Vinel, Toulouse Milwaukee : USA - WI 1896 - great City Hall cast by Gardiner Campbell & Sons, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA DUNDALK : IRELAND -LO 1898 C (chime) St.Joseph's Shrine Church cast by Matthew O'Byrne, Dublin, Ireland TALLINN : ESTONIA 1898 C zvon Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Cathedral made by Vassily Orlov, St.Petersburg CARCASSONNE - STV : FRANCE - 11 1902 F trad* Église Saint-Vincent cast by Lévêque-Amans, Toulouse CAPE TOWN - W : S AFRICA 1902 C ring St.Mary's Church cast by James Barwell, Birmingham, England BERGAMO - SA : ITALY - BG 1905 F chime Basilica Cattedrale di S.Alessandro in Colonna cast by Pruneri, Grosio, Sondrio, Italy GRAZ - GM : AUSTRIA 1905 C non-trad Toenendes Erz dat Graz (Sounding bronze of Graz) Gottfried Maurer residence cast by Peter Hilfer, Wiener Neustadt MONTRÉAL - SJQ : CANADA - QU 1906 C chime/great Pavillon Judith-Jasmin (was Église Saint-Jacques) University of Quebec cast by Crouzet-Hildebrand, Paris, France SAINT JOHNS : CANADA - NF 1906 * chime Cathedral Basilica of St.John the Baptist * Matthew O'Byrne of Dublin completed the chime, based on 3 bells by James Murphy of Dublin (1854, 1857). VANCOUVER - HR : CANADA - BC 1906 E ring Holy Rosary Cathedral cast by Llewellins & James, Avonmouth, Bristol, England (Castle Green Foundry) ADDINGTON : NEW ZEALAND 1907 C chime Anglican Church of St.Mary the Virgin cast by James Barwell, Birmingham, England GROSIO : ITALY - SO 1908 C chime Chiesa prepositurale di San Giuseppe cast by Giorgio Pruneri, Grosio MUENCHEN - NR : GERMANY-BRD 1908 C non-trad Glockenspiel Neues Rathaus cast by Oberascher, Salzburg, Austria CZESTOCHOWA - JG : POLAND 1909 C trad Our Lady Tower Jasna Góra (Bright Hill) Monastery made by Gonthier, Belgium FLENSBURG : GERMANY 1909 C chime Nikolaikirche cast by M.&O.Ohlsson, Lübeck SOFIA - AN : BULGARIA 1910 C zvon/great Alexander Nevsky Cathedral cast by Pavel Nicolaevich Finlyandski, Kolokol-Litenyi foundry, Moscow SYDNEY - G : AUSTRALIA 1910 C chimola St.John Bishopthorpe Anglican Church cast by Wm.Taylor, Pyrmont; segmented, hemispherical LISMORE - STC : AUSTRALIA 1911 C chime St.Carthage's Cathedral (RC) cast by Matthew O'Byrne, Dublin, Ireland TORINO : ITALY - TO 1912 C chime Chiesa di Maria Regina della Pace cast by Ottolina, Seregno LILLE - STC : FRANCE - 59 1917 C (trad) Église Ste.Catherine cast by Cavilliers, Amiens LYON - HDV : FRANCE - 69 1919 F trad Hôtel de Ville (Town Hall) cast by Burdin, Ainé, Lyon LESTREM : FRANCE - 62 1921 F chime Église Saint-Amé cast by Georges Farnier TOULOUSE - STET : FRANCE - 31 1922 F chime Cathédrale Saint-Étienne some cast by Vinel, Toulouse BUGLOSE : FRANCE - 40 1923 I non-trad Église (Basilique) Nôtre Dame de Buglose cast by Dencausse, Tarbes WILLIAMSPORT - T : USA - PA 1923 E* chime The Maynard Chime Trinity Episcopal Church * Melvin C. "Jim" Corbett, USA - one bell, later removed Köln (Cologne) : Germany 1923 - great "Gloriosa" (#2) Dom (Cathedral) cast by Heinrich Ulrich, Apolda, Germany VALLE DI POMPEI : ITALY - NA 1923 C chime Santuario della Beata Vergine del Rosario di Pompei cast by Fratelli Marinelli di Agnone, Campobasso VILLENEUVE-D'ASCQ : FRANCE - 59 1923 C chime Église Saint-Pierre-en-Antioche cast by Ernest Leduc AIRE-SUR-LA-LYS : FRANCE - 62 1924 C chime Chalette Hôtel de Ville cast by Georges Ronat AALST : BELGIUM 1925 E (trad) Stadhuis/Halle/Belfort cast by Karel de Mette ZOTTEGEM : BELGIUM 1925 I trad City Carillon O.L.V. Hemelvaartkerk (Assumption of Our Lady) cast by Karel de Mette MILLAU - SC : FRANCE - 12 1926 C chime Église du Sacré-Coeur cast by Bonat ESSLINGEN : GERMANY-BRD 1927 F non-trad Altes Rathaus cast by Kurtz, Stuttgart SAALFELD : GERMANY 1927 C trad Park Bergfried Glockenturm cast by Ulrich, Apolda, Germany Pyhäsalmi : Finland 1928 - great Vaskikello Bell Museum cast in steel by Schilling & Lattermann, Apolda-Morgenrothe, Germany AUCH : FRANCE - 32 1929 E peal Cathédrale Sainte-Marie cast by André Darricau, Tarbes AUSTIN - UT/1 : USA - TX 1929 C chime The Burleson Bells Bass Concert Hall Plaza The University of Texas cast by Paul Garnier, Paris, France BOLOGNA : ITALY - BO 1929 F non-trad Santuario del SS.Crocifisso made by Brighenti, Bologna MELBOURNE - STB : AUSTRALIA 1929 C chime St.Bartholomew's Church (Anglican) cast by John Danks & Son, Sydney VENEGONO INFERIORE : ITALY - VA 1930 C non-trad Seminario Arcivescovile cast by Angelo Bianchi, Varese Birkirkara : Malta 1931 - great St Helen's Basilica cast by Barigozzi SAARBRUECKEN : GERMANY 1933 C (chime) Rathausturm GLENDALE - CT : USA - OH 1933 C trad Chapel Tower Convent of the Transfiguration made by J.Prower Symonds, at the Vanduzen foundry BOLOGNA : ITALY - BO 1934 E non-trad Santuario del SS.Crocifisso made by Brighenti, Bologna CHIASSO : SWITZERLAND 1935 C ring/A Chiesa San Vitale Martire made by Barigozzi Bros., Milan PAMIERS - STA : FRANCE - 09 1935 R (chime) Cathédrale St-Antonin cast by Vinel, Toulouse SESTRI LEVANTE : ITALY - GE 1938 C chime Santuario di Cristo Re (Opera Madonnina del Grappa) cast by Luigi Ottolina VEJLE : DENMARK - J 1939 C chime Sct.Nicolaj Kirke cast by Løw & søn, København GDANSK - B : POLAND 1940 C chime Biskupia Górka (Bishop's Hill youth hotel) steel bells cast in Gdansk shipyard BRIDGE OF WEIR : SCOTLAND-RE 1946 C [chime] Mount Zion Church Quarriers Homes (was Orphan Homes of Scotland) cast by Llewellins & James, Avonmouth, Bristol, England (Castle Green Foundry) FATIMA : PORTUGAL 1948 C non-trad* Lower belfry Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima (Basilica) cast by Manuel Gonçalves SCHLITZ : GERMANY-BRD 1950 C non-trad Turm der Vorderburg cast by Kurtz, Stuttgart TRIER - D : GERMANY-BRD 1951 C peal Domkirche St.Peter cast by Otto, Bremen-Hemelingen Wien (Vienna) : Austria 1951 - great "Die Pummerin" St.Stephen's Cathedral cast by Karl Geisz, St.Florian, Austria BERGAMO - SA : ITALY - BG 1951 E chime Basilica Cattedrale di S.Alessandro in Colonna cast by Ottolina, Seregno, Monza e Brianza, Italy ROSATE : ITALY - MI 1952 R ring Chiesa Prepositurale di Santo Stefano cast by Luigi Ottolina, Seregno TORINO : ITALY - TO 1952 R chime Chiesa di Maria Regina della Pace cast by Crespi, Crema SAARLOUIS : GERMANY-BRD 1953 C non-trad Rathaus cast by Otto (Saarlouis branch) TERNO D'ISOLA : ITALY - BG 1953 C ring Chiesa Prepositurale Plebana di San Vittore Martire cast by Crespi, Crema VILLINGEN-SCHWENNINGEN - 1 : GERMANY-BRD 1955 E peal North tower Münster Unser Lieben Frau cast by Karlsruher Glockengießerei LEZAT-SUR-LEZE : FRANCE - 09 1956 C chime Église mostly by Granier, Hérépian MUENSTER - D/2 : GERMANY-BRD 1956 C peal/great South tower St.-Paulus-Dom cast by Feldmann & Marschel, Münster NYBORG : DENMARK - F 1956 C chime Vor Frue Kirke cast by Otto Günther STUTTGART : GERMANY-BRD 1956 C non-trad Rathausturm cast by Kurtz, Stuttgart WIEN - STS : AUSTRIA 1960 C chime South tower St.Stephen's Cathedral made by Pfundner, Vienna, Austria Salzburg : Austria 1961 - great #1 Salzburg : Austria 1961 - great #2 Salzburger Dom (Cathedral) cast by Oberascher, Salzburg, Austria MORBIO INFERIORE : SWITZERLAND 1961 C chime Chiesa Madonna deo Miracoli made by Barigozzi, some in earlier years SPIEKEROOG : GERMANY-BRD 1962 - [chime] Ev.Luth.Kirche cast by Bachert, Karlsruhe KOUVOLA : FINLAND 1966 C chime Rådhuset made by Pfundner, Vienna, Austria SINDELFINGEN : GERMANY-BRD 1970 C non-trad Open steel tower cast by Gebrüder Bachert, Bad Friedrichshall PFORZHEIM - RH : GERMANY-BRD 1974 C non-trad* Neues Rathaus cast by Gebrüder Bachert, Bad Friedrichshall KECSKEMÉT : HUNGARY 1983 C non-trad Városháza (City Hall) supplied by Korfhage & Sons, Germany DAUN : GERMANY-BRD 1984 C non-trad Seniorenhaus Regina Protmann made by Mark, Brocksheid in der Eifel FORETTE : ITALY - VR 1984 C peal Chiesa di S.Martino cast by Mazzola, Vercelli, Italy CHIAMPO - SM : ITALY - VI 1985 E peal Campanile (S.Martino) cast by A.Mazzola Vercelli, Italy EPPINGEN : GERMANY-BRD 1987 C trad Kath.Stadtkirche "Unsere Lieber Frau" cast by Karlsruhe Glockengießerei WEIMAR : GERMANY-DDR 1987*C non-trad Rathaus * porcelain bells, made for another site by Leipziger Manufaktur HOLSTEBRO - N : DENMARK - J 1989 I trad Nørrelandskirken cast by Thubalka (B.Nielsen) GERA : GERMANY-DDR 1989 C trad Rathausturm cast by Peter Schilling of Apolda, at Feingusswerk Pößneck, Neustadt a.d. Orla KASSEL - K : GERMANY-BRD 1989 I trad Karlskirche (Prot.) cast by Karlsruher Glockengießerei Metz BRNO : CZECH REP. 1990 C chime Brno City Museum Hrad Špilberk cast by Laetitie Dytrychová, Brodek u Prerova KAISERSLAUTERN : GERMANY 1990 C trad Stiftskirche cast by A.Bachert, Karlsruhe MARIA LAACH : GERMANY 1991 C chime Benedictine Abbey cast by Mrs. Karin Schneider-Andris, Karlsruhe WEILBACH : GERMANY 1991 F trad* Alter Schulhof cast by Karlsruher Glocken- und Kunstgießerei Metz KRISTIANSTAD : SWEDEN 1992 C non-trad Klockspelet cast by Skånska Klockgjuteriet AB, Hannas HALLE : GERMANY-DDR 1993 E trad Roter Turm (Red Tower) cast by Metz, Karlsruhe Glockengießerei PRAHA - L : CZECH REP. 1994 R trad Loreto Cloister Museum Tower two recast by P.Manousek ANCHORAGE : USA - AK 1995 C zvon St.Innocent Russian Orthodox Cathedral made by Pyatkov, Russia KASSEL - K : GERMANY-BRD 1995 E trad Karlskirche (Prot.) cast by Otto, Buer/Neustadt TERNO D'ISOLA : ITALY - BG 1995 R ring(V) Chiesa Prepositurale Plebana di San Vittore Martire cast by Roberto Mazzolo HOLSTEBRO - N : DENMARK - J 1996 E trad Nørrelandskirken cast by Thubalka ORCHIES : FRANCE - 59 1996 C trad Eglise Nôtre-Dame de l'Assomption cast by Metz, Karlsruhe Moscow : Russia 1996 - great Temple of Christ the Savior made by AMO ZIL, Moscow KOSICE : SLOVAK REP. 1997 C chime Freestanding, near fountain cast by Dytrychová-Tomásková, Brodek u Prerova, Czech Rep. Moscow : Russia 1997 - great Temple of Christ the Savior made by AMO ZIL, Moscow PYHÄSALMI - 4 : FINLAND 1997 C chime Vaskikello (Brassbellstore) Bell Museum (southwest garden) made by Szabados, Budapest BRODEK U PREROVA : CZECH REP. 1999 C chime Freestanding bell frame cast by Dytrychová-Tomásková, Brodek u Prerova KIEL : GERMANY 1999 F trad Klosterkirche cast by A.Bachert, Karlsruhe NANUET : USA - NY 1999 C zvon Novo-Diveevo Russian Orthodox Convent made by Pyatkov, Russia STRAUBING : GERMANY 1999 C non-trad Stadtturm cast by Gugg Hamburg : Germany 2000 - great Michaeliskirche cast by Bachert, Karlsruhe Pingdingshan City : China 2000 - great "Lucky Bell" made by Tianrui Group, China BOCHUM - B : GERMANY-BRD 2001 C chime Deutsches Bergbau-Museum (German Mining Museum) cast by Bachert, Karlsruhe TARTU : ESTONIA 2001 F non-trad# Town Hall cast in Karlsruhe MELBOURNE - BM : AUSTRALIA 2002 C non-trad The Federation Bells Field of Bells Birrarung Marr (Park) made by Australian Bell Pty Ltd Bruneck/Brunico : Italy - BZ 2002 - great top of Mount Kronplatz cast by Franz Oberascher, Bergheim nr Salzburg SERGIEV POSAD : RUSSIA 2002 - great Zagorsk Monastery (Russian Orthodox) "Trinity St.Sergius Lavra" new second bell made by AMO ZIL, Moscow SERGIEV POSAD : RUSSIA 2002 - great Zagorsk Monastery (Russian Orthodox) "Trinity St.Sergius Lavra" new third bell made by AMO ZIL, Moscow Zvenigorod : Russia 2003 - great Savvino-Storozhevskij Monastery cast by Vera LLC, Shilova, nr. Voronezh Berg : Germany 2003 - great Private estate cast by Bachert, Karlsruhe SERGIEV POSAD : RUSSIA 2003 - great Zagorsk Monastery (Russian Orthodox) "Trinity St.Sergius Lavra" new bass bell made by Baltic foundry, St.Petersburg Dzerzhinskij : Russia 2004 - great Svyato-Nikolskij Ugreshsky Monastery cast by Baltic foundry, St.Petersburg Tomsk : Russia 2004 - great Svyato Voskresenskij Cathedral cast by Vera LLC, Shilova, nr. Voronezh TRARBACH : GERMANY 2004 C non-trad Weißer Turm (Alter Stadtturm) cast by Bachert, Karlsruhe SAN ANSELMO - STN : USA - CA 2006 E zvon St.Nicholas Orthodox Church (OCA) includes 9 bells by Pyatkov, Russia BERLIN - F : GERMANY-DDR 2006 R trad Französischer Dom (French dome) cast by Feingusswerk Pößneck, Neustadt a.d. Orla WEILBACH : GERMANY 2006 E trad Alter Schulhof cast by Karlsruher Glocken- und Kunstgießerei Metz HEILIGERLEE - VB/3 : NETHERLANDS 2007 C chime Indoors Klokkengieterijmuseum (vanBergen Bellfoundry Museum) cast by Simon Laudy, Finsterwolde CAMBRIDGE - HU : USA - MA 2007 R zvon Lowell House Harvard University made by Vera LLC, Voronezh, Russia VICENZA - MB : ITALY - VI 2007 R chime/ring(V) Santuario di Madonna di Monte Berico cast by Fracaro, Vicenza ECHTERNACH - 1 : LUXEMBOURG 2008 E trad Basilica of St.Willibrord cast by Bro.Reuter, Maria Laach Monastery, Germany KIEV - STS : UKRAINE 2008 C non-trad Belltower St.Sophia's Cathedral cast by G.Chernenko, Ukraine VICENZA - SFF : ITALY - VI 2009 E chime/ring(V) Chiesa di SS.Felice e Fortunato cast by Fracaro, Vicenza VICENZA - SM : ITALY - VI 2009 R ring(V) Chiesa di S.Marco cast by Fracaro, Vicenza VICENZA - SR : ITALY - VI 2009 E ring(V) Chiesa di San Rocco cast by Fracaro, Vicenza VLEUTERWEIDE : NETHERLANDS 2009 C hybrid De Zingende Toren CultuurCampus glass bells CHEVETOGNE : BELGIUM 2010 C zvon Russian belfry Monastère de l'Exaltation de la Sainte Croix mostly made by AMO ZIL, Moscow, Russia VICENZA - SG : ITALY - VI 2010 E ring(V) Chiesa di S.Giuliano cast by Fracaro, Vicenza MINDEN : GERMANY 2011 C peal/great Dom zu Minden cast by C.Mark-Maas, Eifeler Glockengießerei, Brockscheid GEMBLOUX : BELGIUM 2012 I trad Beffroi cast by Voegelé WORCESTER - 1 : ENGLAND -WO 2017 E ring Cathedral Church of Christ and the Virgin Mary cast by Westley Group Trindade : Brazil 2018 - great Sanctuary of the Divine Eternal Father cast by Metalodlew SA (Cracow, Poland) with Jan F&ecedil;lczyński Church Bells Manufactory, Przemysl, Poland Perth : Australia 2018 - great Anzac Bell The Bell Tower cast by VEEM, Canning Vale, Western Australia KUBINKA - C : RUSSIA 2019 C zvon/great Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ cast by Vera LLC, Voronezh, Russia ZHYROVICHY : BELARUS 2020 C zvon Svyato-Uspenskiy Zhyrovichy Monastery cast by Vera LLC, Voronezh, Russia HARTFORD - STJ : USA - CT 2020 E chime St.Joseph's Cathedral (RC) made by Verdin, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA MOSKVA - ST/3 : RUSSIA 2020 E non-trad Spasskaya Bashnya (The Savior Tower) Kremlin (east wall) cast by Vera LLC, Voronezh WARREN - FM : USA - PA 2020 E chime First United Methodist Church made by Verdin, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA DANVILLE : USA - KY 2021 R chime Lexington Avenue Baptist Church (SBC) made by Verdin, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA OTTERSTADT : GERMANY 2021 C chime Glockenspielbaum Erich-Flory-Platz, bei Remigiushaus cast by Bachert, Karlsruhe OLDENZAAL : NETHERLANDS 2022 E trad Sint-Plechelmustoren (St.Plechelmus Basilica) made by Abel Portilla, Spain CEDAR FALLS : USA - IA 2023 E trad Campanile University of Northern Iowa cast by Verdin, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA KUBINKA - A : RUSSIA 2023 C trad/great Triumphal Arch cast by Vera LLC, Voronezh, Russia

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