Welcome to the world of tower bells - large bells
of the size and kind that are usually hung in towers,
often in combinations that form various kinds of musical instruments.
Almost always made of cast bronze,
weighing from several pounds to several tons,
they produce the original "heavy metal music,"
with a wordless voice that resonates in the heart of mankind.
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A general introduction to tower bells Subject matter found principally in this section includes clock-chimes,
tubular bells and tubular tower chimes, single bells and peals, etc.
There are links to all other sections of this Website.
First time visitors will benefit from starting here.
Where to find carillons
and other musical instruments made of conventional or unconventional
(including tubular) tower bells,
with descriptions, via indexes or regional locator maps.
This section starts with an Introduction and a Table of Contents,
and contains a page about each of more than 2800 such instruments known worldwide,
as well as a Glossary explaining bell-related terminology.
Subject matter found principally in this section includes not only carillons
(both traditional and non-traditional)
but also chimes, rings (for change-ringing), zvons, great bells, etc.
Some subjects appear in both sections, though not with the same treatments -
conventional (cup-shaped) bells, tubular bells, hemispherical bells,
bellfounders and bell making, and weights of bells.
What's missing is the most important aspect of bells - their sound.
We don't have any audio or video clips;
you can find those on YouTube and elsewhere.
(But we would welcome your suggestions for links to good videos anywhere.)
Books about tower bells -
a growing bibliography, with reviews, announcements of new publications, etc.
Website Map (or site map) -
another way to explore this Website.
What's New here? The latest revision to this Website occurred on 23 January 2025.
How to subscribe to notices
of updates to this Website, and why you might be interested in doing so.
Read essays
on various unrelated but possibly interesting subjects.
This page was created 2012/03/31 and last revised on 2024/12/29.
(aside from the Website revision date given above).
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