What's new in these pages?

This page reports on the evolution of this collection of pages during the year 2009.  This helps to keep the "What's New" page to a manageable size.  The changes are reported in reverse order, with the latest (the "news item") at the top.  Dates of entries show when pages were installed on the Web server, which is not always the same as their internal dates of revision.  Revisions to the list of non-carillon things will not be reported, nor will minor (cosmetic) editorial fixes (though the revision dates of such files will change).

For changes which took place subsequent to 2009, see "What's New".

2009/12/16 - Deleted the site data pages for the Michigan Avenue Baptist Church in Chicago (IL) and for First Congregational Church in Braintree (MA), and added a paragraph about each to the page of sites that are no more.

2009/12/15 - Fixed cross-reference number errors in the lists of great bells of Germany and great bells of Europe by country.

2009/12/12 - Revised 162 site data pages, removed one and added 3 (list IX090811.HTM removed to archive in 2012); revised affected indexes and regional locator maps accordingly. 
(The 16-note chime at St.Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, NC, was found to be composed of tubular bells; it is correctly described by a page at TowerBells.org.  The duplication between the two databases went undetected for years because the name of the church changed between the time when the Deagan chime was installed and the time when Verdin replaced the chime mechanism with one of their own, which typically had been used with conventional bells.)

2009/10/22 - Revised the Taylor bellfoundry index page to reflect the recent change in name, ownership and management.

2009/10/17 - Added a new page presenting an analysis of Meneely/Troy bell production over the course of the foundry's 80-year history, with four graphical figures.

2009/10/12 - Revised the description of the location of Hanks Hill in the Hanks-Niles foundry historical notes.

Revised the histories of both Meneely bellfoundries to emphasize that there was never any business relationship between them.

Replaced 1266 site data pages to provide more efficient links to MapQuest maps.

2009/09/07 - Added links for all new regional locator maps to appropriate regional index pages.

2009/09/03 - Added regional locator maps for Russia (XMRU), Norway (XMNO) and Sweden (XMSE).

2009/08/30 - Fixed regional locator map for Europe traditional carillons.   Added regional locator map for Austria (XMAT).

2009/08/26 - Added regional locator map for the United Kingdom (XMUK).

2009/08/24 - Added regional locator map for Ireland (XMIE).

2009/08/17 - Revised 9 site data pages and added 7 (list IX090729.HTM removed to archive in 2012); revised affected indexes and regional locator maps accordingly.

Revised the milestones of North American chime history upon determining the probable resolution of the mystery surrounding the Vanduzen chime exhibited at the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago.

2009/08/12 - Added entries to almost all pages about great bells, based on the work of Alan Blair.

2009/08/03 - Added details for Korea to the Asia & Pacific Rim regional locator map), along with a subordinate map for Japan.  This regional map is now complete.

2009/08/02 - Added one new site data page for the latest ring in Africa; revised affected indexes and regional locator maps accordingly.

Added locator maps to those rings in Africa which did not have them, and expanded the regional locator map of all instruments on this continent to include the four 6-bell rings.

2009/07/28 - Revised 7 site data pages (list IX090725.HTM removed to archive in 2012).

Added some details to the Asia & Pacific Rim regional locator map), including subordinate maps for Australia and New Zealand.

2009/07/25 - Revised 17 site data pages (list IX090719.HTM removed to archive in 2012); revised affected indexes and regional locator maps accordingly.

Added a regional locator map for all types of instruments in Africa and the Mideast.

2009/07/19 - Revised 41 site data pages (list IX090701.HTM removed to archive in 2012); revised affected indexes and regional locator maps accordingly.

Revised the page of other great bells in North America to expand the description of the Wanamaker bell.

2009/07/13 - Added all missing chimes to the regional locator maps for states in the USA and provinces in Canada, though many are not yet mapped accurately.  Revised the Regional Map Help page to describe what happens when these places are sought.

Revised the Search page to show that since the redesign of the topmost section of this Website there is no change log page for that section corresponding to the one which you are now reading.

2009/06/18 - Revised 32 site data pages and added 1 (list IX090609.HTM removed to archive in 2012); revised affected indexes and regional locator maps accordingly.

2009/06/08 - Revised 26 site data pages and added 15 (list IX090501.HTM removed to archive in 2012); revised affected indexes and regional locator maps accordingly.

Added details on the fate of the vanished chime of Normal, IL.

2009/05/04-09 - Provided regional locator maps for the remaining states in the USA and provinces in Canada, for all types of instruments (though many chimes are not yet mapped).

2009/05/01 - Provided workable locator map links for all sites in Central and South America which did not have them; provided an all-sites locator map for this region.  Provided a standard index which had been missing from this region, and supplied back-links for all related site data pages.  Renamed four index pages for this region for consistency.

Added state/province locator maps for Quebec and New York.

2009/04/29 - Added a lost chime to the McShane foundry index and the list of North American sites that are no more.

Revised and expanded the lists of great bells in Asia and the Pacific Rim - both Western profile and Oriental profile.

2009/04/27 - Fixed or supplied links for 9 pages.

2009/04/26 - Revised 28 site data pages and added 11 (list IX090413.HTM removed to archive in 2012); deleted site data page for chime reported at Christ Church, Peterborough, Ontario, which does not exist; revised affected indexes and regional locator maps accordingly.

Corrected/added link from data top page to worldwide locator maps.  The existing single link, for all instruments, was mis-labelled as being for traditional carillons; now there are correctly labelled links to both maps.

Added regional locator maps for Ontario chimes) and all Ontario instruments);

2009/04/11 - Revised 37 site data pages and added 9 (list IX081229.HTM removed to archive in 2012); revised affected indexes and regional locator maps accordingly.

Replaced a site data page with an entry in the list of sites that are no more; revised affected indexes accordingly.

Removed site data pages for Brandon and St.Petersburg (both in Florida), along with associated index references, after inspections revealed that these reported chimes are actually sets of bell shells.

Revised regional locator maps to use different colors (and sizes) of map-tack icons to represent different types of tower bell instruments.

2009/01/12 - Revised the descriptive material in the chimola index, including a link to similar information elsewhere.

2009/01/11 - Replaced a site data page with an entry in the list of sites that are no more; revised affected indexes accordingly.

2009/01/04 - Revised almost all foundry indexes to reflect that sites are listed in order by year of casting, which may be different from the year of installation.  (It will certainly be different for relocated bells.)

Prior years' news has been moved into the following separate files to save space here.

2008 - See What was new in these pages in 2008?.
2007 - See What was new in these pages in 2007?.
2006 - See What was new in these pages in 2006?.
2005 - See What was new in these pages in 2005?.
2004 - See What was new in these pages in 2004?.
2003 - See What was new in these pages in 2003?.
2002 - See What was new in these pages in 2002?.
2001 - See What was new in these pages in 2001?.
2000 - See What was new in these pages in 2000?.
1999 - See What was new in these pages in 1999?.
1998 - See What was new in these pages in 1998?.
1997 - See What was new in these pages in 1997?.

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This page was created on 2010/09/29.

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