Indexes to tower bell sites in Europe

Tower bell instruments or collections of 8 or more bells can be found in most countries of Europe.  This Website has a site data page for each such instrument or collection which is known to exist.  To facilitate finding pages of interest to visitors, as well as to show related information about groups of sites, those site data pages are indexed in several different ways.  Because the number of instruments per country varies greatly, from hundreds to only a few (or even just one), there are separate sets of indexes for the following countries or groups of countries:

If your interest today is within one of the above countries or areas, click the appropriate link above for the most efficient way to find or explore what you seek.  Alternatively,

The site data pages for countries and regions which are not individually listed above are indexed in several different ways, as follows:

Return to Indexes to tower bell sites around the world.

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This page was created on 16-Apr-06 and last revised on 15-Jan-25.

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