The TowerBells Website has been structured and indexed to be as useful as possible without searching. However, we realize that some visitors prefer to use a search tool, and that others may be seeking information that isn't readily located using our structure and indexes. To meet these needs, we provide a customized search facility based on the well-known Google search engine.
You can search the TowerBells Website for any word or phrase.
Tip: To search for a phrase, such as a multi-word name, enclose it in quote marks, thus: "Christ Church".
To find those newly-added or changed pages, you might look at our What's new page, which reports our view of non-trivial changes to the Website.
Google QUIRK: For reasons as yet unknown, Google regards "" and "" as different Websites, even though they are just different ways of referencing the same set of Webpages. Pages indexed by Google under the first form will be found and returned by the above search, but pages indexed under the second form will not. So if your search using the form above returns no results, try the same search using the form below.
[Tower Bells Introduction] [Website Map] [The builder] [What's New]
This page was created 2001/08/04 and last revised 2024/08/11.
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