Indexes to tower bell sites in North America
Tower bell instruments or collections of 8 or more bells can be found in all three countries
of North America.
This Website has a site data page for each such instrument or collection which is known.
To facilitate finding pages of interest to visitors,
as well as to show related information about groups of sites,
those site data pages are indexed in several different ways, as follows:
- Tower bell sites in this area can be categorized according to the type of instrument.
Each of the pages linked here presents a variety of indexes
for one particular type of instrument; some also offer specialized locator maps:
- The following pages are not segregated by type of instrument,
but do not include tubular bells:
- Combined index to all types of tower bell instruments
by state/province
- Combined index to all types of tower bell instruments
by bellfoundry
If you are looking for a specific site by its institutional name
(e.g., a church or school) or by the instrument's proper name,
pick either of the above indexes and then use the "find in page"
feature of your Web browser to locate a distinctive word
(or partial word) in that name.
- Institutions with multiple instruments
- Sites that are degraded (carillons and chimes)
- Sites that are no more (carillons and chimes:
exhibited, relocated, destroyed, sold, stolen, etc.)
- One index by state/province combines both
conventional and tubular tower bell instruments.
- Also available:
- A PDF listing all sites in this region is available from the
hardcopy page.
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This page was created 2006/04/23 and last revised 2023/12/25.
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