Zvons:   index by country and city

Zvons can be found in the following countries:  BelarusBelgiumBulgariaCzech RepublicEgyptEnglandEstoniaFinlandGreeceIsraelRussiaUkraineUnited States of America
Click on any underlined country name above to go directly to that section of this index.  Within a country, sites are listed alphabetically by city and site-name.  Those which contain great bells are tagged as such.

There is also a worldwide locator map (dynamic) for all sites indexed here.


ZHYROVICHY                    : BELARUS    
   Svyato-Uspenskiy Zhyrovichy Monastery


CHEVETOGNE                    : BELGIUM    
   Russian belfry
   Monastère de l'Exaltation
     de la Sainte Croix


SOFIA - AN                    : BULGARIA     zvon/great
   Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

Czech Republic

(formerly part of Czechoslovakia)
LODENICE                      : CZECH REP. 
   Monastyr svatého Václava a svaté Ludmily
   (Convent SS.Wenceslas & Ludmila)


SINAI PENINSULA               : EGYPT      
   St.Catherine's Monastery


LONDON - MG                   : ENGLAND -W 
   Orthodox Cathedral of the Nativity of
     the Most Holy Mother of God
       and the Holy Royal Martyrs (ROCOR)


TALLINN                       : ESTONIA      zvon/great
   Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Cathedral 


HELSINKI                      : FINLAND    
   Uspenski Cathedral (Finnish Orthodox)
KUOPIO                        : FINLAND      non-trad/zvon
   The Orthodox Church Museum of Finland 
   (Suomen Ortodoksinen Kirkkomuseo) 


MOUNT ATHOS                   : GREECE       zvon/great
   St.Panteleimon Monastery
MOUNT ATHOS - V               : GREECE       zvon
   Vaitopedi Monastery

Israel (IL)

Note that the country code for Israel (IL) is the same as the state code for Illinois, USA.
BETHLEHEM - MG                : ISRAEL     
   Chapel of the Milk Grotto


BELAYA GORA                   : RUSSIA     
   Belogorsky Monastery
GUBKIN                        : RUSSIA     
KEM - 1                       : RUSSIA     
   Solowyetskiy Cloister
KEM - 2                       : RUSSIA       zvon/great
   Solovetsky Monastery
KOSTROMA                      : RUSSIA     
   Ipatievsky Monastery
   (Hypatian Monastery)
KUBINKA - C                   : RUSSIA       zvon/great
   Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ
MOSKVA - AM                   : RUSSIA     
   Andreevsky Monastery
MOSKVA - AN                   : RUSSIA     
   Andronikov Monastery
MOSKVA - DM                   : RUSSIA       zvon/great
   Zvonnitsa (Gatehouse tower)
   Danilov (St.Daniel) Monastery
MOSKVA - IV                   : RUSSIA       zvon/great(2)
   Ivan Veliki (Ivan the Great) Bell Tower complex
   within the Kremlin
MOSKVA - JV                   : RUSSIA     
   Church of Joseph Volotsky
NOVGOROD                      : RUSSIA     
   Yuriev (St.George's) Monastery
ROSTOV VELIKII                : RUSSIA       zvon/great(4)
   Uspenski Sobor
   (Assumption Cathedral)
   Primorsky Park of Victory
   Petropavlovskaya Krepost 
   (Peter & Paul Tower; main belfry) 
SERGIEV POSAD                 : RUSSIA       zvon/great(4)
   Holy Trinity St.Sergius Lavra
     Monastery (Russian Orthodox)
SUZDAL                        : RUSSIA     
   Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery
VORONEZH                      : RUSSIA     
   Church of St.Xenia of St.Petersburg
YAROSLAVL - 1                 : RUSSIA     
   (Heavy zvon)
   Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery
      (Transfiguration of the Savior)
YAROSLAVL - 2                 : RUSSIA     
   (Light zvon)
   Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery
      (Transfiguration of the Savior)
ZAGORSK                       : RUSSIA
  *See:  SERGIEV POSAD        : RUSSIA
ZVENIGOROD                    : RUSSIA       zvon/great
   Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery
   (Storozhi monastery of St.Savva)


KIEV - STT/2                  : UKRAINE    
   Courtyard zvon
   St.Theodosius Pechersky Monastery
   (Tserkva Feodosivskii)
KYIV                          : UKRAINE
  *See:  KIEV                 : UKRAINE

United States of America

ANCHORAGE                     : USA - AK   
   St.Innocent Russian Orthodox Cathedral
CAMBRIDGE - HU                : USA - MA    
   Lowell House 
   Harvard University 
HOWELL                        : USA - NJ   
   St.Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
JORDANVILLE - 1               : USA - NY    
   Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Monastery (ROCOR) 
JORDANVILLE - 2               : USA - NY    
   Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Monastery (ROCOR) 
NANUET                        : USA - NY   
   Novo-Diveevo Russian Orthodox Convent
NYACK                         : USA - NY    
   Holy Virgin Protection Church (Russian Orthodox - ROCOR) 
SAN ANSELMO - STN             : USA - CA   
   St.Nicholas Orthodox Church (OCA) 
SAN FRANCISCO - HT            : USA - CA   
   Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral
SITKA                         : USA - AK    
   St.Michael the Archangel Orthodox Cathedral (OCA) 
WALLA WALLA                   : USA - WA   
   Saint Silouan Orthodox Church (ROCOR)
WATERBURY - STM               : USA - CT    
   St.Mary's Orthodox Church (OCA) 
     (Holy Virgin Church) 
WAYMART                       : USA - PA   
   Millenium Belltower
   The Monastery of St.Tikhon of Zadonsk (Orthodox)

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The USA portion of this index page was built from the database on 15-Oct-01;
this consolidated index was constructed on 5-Dec-23 and last revised on 7-Jan-25.

Please send comments or questions about this page to csz_stl@swbell.net.