Main Building
The University of Texas
campus center
(E.23rd St at University Ave.)
Austin, Texas, USA
LL: N 30.28622, W 97.73946
Site locator map
*Past carillonists:
Thomas W. Anderson (d.)
2013-15 Austin Ferguson (A)
Vice President for Student Affairs
University of Texas
Austin, TX 78712
T: 512-471-1133
Mon,Wed,Fri 1250-1300
Original keyboard -Y36:CC/CE, with
bells connected to C,D,E chrom. to F,G.
Electric keyboard was used in 1980s.
Rehung, with new transmission, 2012-13.
*Technical data:
Traditional carillon of 56 bells
Pitch of heaviest bell is A# in the bass octave
Keyboard range: A#G / A#C 25
Transposition is nil (concert pitch)
There are two missing bass semitones
There is an identical practice console
The instrument was enlarged in 1987
with 39 bells made by Petit & Fritsen
Prior history:
In 1936, the instrument was begun with 17 bells
by Meneely/Wvlt
(17 bells remain from that work.)
Keyboard range was: C G */ C E
Transposition was down 2 semitone(s), i.e., from C to A#
Auxiliary mechanisms: IQ4H
Tower details:
Height of console: 80 meters above ground
Height of lowest level of bells: 84 meters above ground
Height of highest level of bells: 89 meters above ground
Belfry openness: 90%
Year of latest technical information source is 1991
A Waymarking page for these bells
has 3 photos of the building plus two of the dedicatory plaque.
A news article
(Apr.2013) on the restoration incorrectly asserts that the bells were recast.
report of the work reports rehanging the bells and renovating the action.
The text of the video is the article.
A drawing of the tower of Main Building is part of a logo on the
home page of the UT Website, and appears numerous other places.
On the day when the Webpage you are now reading was first linked to the UT Website,
a featured page there was on the
Darkening of the Tower
in memory of those who were slain in that vicinity 33 years earlier.
The tower also appears reflected in the pond of
Tower Garden, dedicated as a memorial on the same day.
Numerous references to the carillon are available through the internal search engine on the
UT Website. The most relevant ones can be found from the following starting points: + An index to news articles
about the Main Building points to many which have the carillon as subject.
Some of these are quite old, and bring out the history of the instrument and its players. + A set of pages about the Main
Building starts with a sketch of the tower and surrounding building from an aerial viewpoint. + The most complete pages are perhaps a
1987 news article
on the expansion from a chime to a carillon, and a very large photo-filled page on the
playing and history of the carillon.
Where the initial phase of this work lies in the sequence of output of the
Meneely (Watervliet) bellfoundry.
Where the final phase of this work lies in the sequence of output of the Petit & Fritsen bellfoundry,
in this region
and in the world.