For an explanation of what this index contains (and does NOT contain), and of the additional details on each entry, see the Bellfoundry Indexes Advice.
MAPUTO : MOZAMBIQUE 1??? C Catedral da Nossa Senhora da ConceiƧão (RC Cathedral of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception)
JOHANNESBURG - STA : S AFRICA 1956 C St.Aidan Church (Anglican)Complete list of Petit & Fritsen foundry output.
GERMISTON : S AFRICA 1935 C City Hall Tower PORT ELIZABETH - CM : S AFRICA 1936 C Campanile (Colonist Monument)Complete list of Gillett & Johnston foundry output.
AIN TEMOUCHENT : ALGERIA 1950 C Tour de l'EgliseComplete list of Paccard foundry output.
TENERIFE : CANARY IS. 1??? C Hotel Ten Bel ParkComplete list of Sergeys foundry output.
UNKNOWN LOCATION : CONGO/ZAIRE 19?? C (Unknown) UNKNOWN LOCATION : RHODESIA 1??? C (Unknown)Complete list of Vanbergen foundry output.
ZANZIBAR : TANZANIA 1??? C [non-trad] CathedralComplete list of Warner foundry output.
CAPE PALMAS : LIBERIA 1??? C Church TowerComplete list of Bochumer Verein foundry output.
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