*Location: Domkirke (Cathedral) Domkirkeplassen Kongsgata Stavanger, Rogaland, Norway LL: N 58.96957, E 5.73327
*Carillonist: Terje Hadland *Contact: Stavanger Cathedral Haakon VIIs gate 2 N-4005 Stavanger T: 5189 5733 E: postmottak.kirkevergen@ stavanger.kommune.no *Schedule: (unknown) *Remarks: Expansion of 1998 included complete rehang on new frame with new clappers and transmission, 4-octave keyboards (main by Clock-O-Matic, practice by Reinhold van Zijl), ready for addition of the final octave in 2000. 2021: New keyboard and added bass bell planned for 2022, to celebrate a centennial. 2024: New keyboard includes pneumatic system for autoplay.*Bourdon: e1, 123cm, 1072kg, 1922, Warner *Technical data: Traditional carillon of 49 bells Pitch of heaviest bell is E in the middle octave Keyboard range: C C / C G Transposition is up 4 semitone(s), i.e., from C to E There are no missing bass semitones The presence or absence of a practice console is unknown The present keyboard was installed in 2024 by Eijsbouts Prior history: In 2000, the instrument was enlarged to 49 bells by Olsen Keyboard range was: C C / ---- In 1998, the instrument was enlarged to 37 bells by Olsen In 1922, the instrument was begun with 22 bells by Warner Auxiliary mechanisms: E Tower details not available Year of latest technical information source is 2024*Links:
This page was built from the database on 29-Dec-24 based on textual data last updated on 2024/12/07 and on technical data last updated on 2024/07/27 |
*Photos: (none available) |
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