Traditional carillons in Scandinavia:
index by country and city

Traditional carillons may be found in Scandinavia in the indicated countries:

Countries: DenmarkFinlandNorwaySweden

Click on any underlined country name above to go directly to that section of this index, or to the {separate country or regional index page}.  Within a country, sites are listed alphabetically by city and site-name.  (There are no known traditional carillons in the Faeroe Islands, Greenland or Iceland.)

There is a regional locator map which shows all of the sites indexed below.  Single-country maps can be reached from that regional map.  (The regional locator maps are separate from the site locator maps that can be found from the site data pages.)

If you are looking for a specific site by its institutional name (e.g., a church or school) or by the instrument's proper name, then use the "find in page" feature of your Web browser to locate a distinctive word (or partial word) in that name.


  1. Cities which have (or had) a carillon during a historical period when they were part of, or were occupied by, a different country may be cross-referenced by the name which they bore in the language of that country.  For the same reason, place names are sometimes given in alternate languages.  Such references enable the reader to connect historical references with present circumstances, and are not intended to express any political opinion regarding past or present facts.

  2. If you do not find here a city (or instrument) which you think should be listed, then check the page of sites that are no more for this region.  If it's not there, then please send a message to telling everything you know about it.


AALBORG - B                   : DENMARK - J  trad
   Sct.Budolfi Domkirke
   (St.Botolph Cathedral)
AARHUS                        : DENMARK - J  trad
   Rådhus (Town Hall)
ALLINGÅBRO                    : DENMARK - J  trad
   Vejlby Kirke
BRONDBY STRAND                : DENMARK - S  trad
   Brøndby Strand Kirke
FAABORG                       : DENMARK - F  trad
   Klokketårnet (Bell Tower)
FREDERIKSBERG                 : DENMARK - S  trad
  *See:  HILLEROD             : DENMARK
FREDERIKSHAVN                 : DENMARK - J  trad
GRENAA                        : DENMARK - J  trad
   Dronning Ingrids Klokkespil
     (Queen Ingrids Carillon)
   Sankt Gertruds kirke
GRINDSTED                     : DENMARK - J  trad
   Grindsted Kirke (Hedens Domkirke)
HERNING                       : DENMARK - J  trad
HILLEROD                      : DENMARK - S  trad
   Slot (Royal Castle)
HOLBAEK                       : DENMARK - S  trad
   Sct.Nicolai Kirke
HOLSTEBRO - N                 : DENMARK - J  trad
HOLSTEBRO - STJ               : DENMARK - J  trad
   Sct.Jørgenskirke (St.Jorgen Tower)
HOLTE                         : DENMARK - S  trad
   Søllerød Slot (Castle)
KALUNDBORG                    : DENMARK - S  trad
   Vor Frue kirke
KOBENHAVN - H                 : DENMARK - S  trad
   Helligånds Kirken (Holy Spirit Church)
KOBENHAVN - M                 : DENMARK - S  trad
   Margrethekirken (St.Margaret Church)
KOBENHAVN - VF                : DENMARK - S  trad
   Vor Frelsers Kirke
   (Church of Our Saviour)
KOLDING                       : DENMARK - J  trad
   Sct.Nicolai Kirke
LOGUMKLOSTER - mobile         : DENMARK - J  trad
   Det transportable klokkespil
     (traveling carillon)
   Det Skandinaviske Klokkenistskole
   (Scandinavian Carillon School)
LOGUMKLOSTER - T              : DENMARK - J  trad
   [Kong] Frederik IX's Klokkespil
   Church Music School
MARSTAL                       : DENMARK      trad
ODENSE                        : DENMARK - F  trad
   Sct.Knuds Domkirke
   (Saint Canute's Cathedral)
RANDERS                       : DENMARK - J  trad
   Sct.Mortens Kirke
SILKEBORG                     : DENMARK - J  trad
STOUBY                        : DENMARK - J  trad
   Rohden Gods
SVENDBORG                     : DENMARK - F  trad
   Vor Frue Kirke (Our Lady Church)
THISTED                       : DENMARK - J  trad
VARDE                         : DENMARK - J  trad
   Sct.Jacobi Kirke
VEJLE                         : DENMARK - J  trad
   Sct.Nicolaj Kirke


VANTAA                        : FINLAND    
   Tikkurila Church


Website about Norwegian carillons, with Norwegian and English versions
BAERUM                        : NORWAY     
   Rådhus (Town Hall) 
BERGEN                        : NORWAY     
BODØ                          : NORWAY     
DRAMMEN - BK                  : NORWAY      
   Bragernes kirke (church) 
HAUGESUND                     : NORWAY     
   Vår Frelsers kirke 
MOLDE                         : NORWAY     
   Domkirke (Cathedral) 
NAUEN - mobile                : NORWAY     
   Traveling Carillon
   Olsen Nauen Bellfoundry (home) 
OSLO - C                      : NORWAY      
   Domkirke (Cathedral) 
OSLO - R                      : NORWAY      
   Rådhus (City Hall) 
OSLO - U                      : NORWAY      
   Uranienborg kirke (church) 
SANDEFJORD                    : NORWAY     
STAVANGER                     : NORWAY     
   Domkirke (Cathedral) 
TRONDHEIM                     : NORWAY     
   Nidarosdomen (Cathedral) 


GAVLE                         : SWEDEN     
   Rådhuset (City Hall)
GOTEBORG                      : SWEDEN     
   Krystine Kyrka (St.Kristine Tower,
     or Christinenkirche)
KARLSKRONA                    : SWEDEN     
LANDSKRONA                    : SWEDEN     
   Sofia Albertina kyrka
LINKOPING                     : SWEDEN     
   Sct.Lars Kyrka
MALMÖ                         : SWEDEN     
   Jaernhardte Stift (or) Rådhuset
NORRKÖPING                    : SWEDEN     
SIGTUNA - mobile              : SWEDEN     
   Traveling Carillon
   Bergholtz Klockgjuteri
STOCKHOLM - HE                : SWEDEN     
   Hedvig Eleonora kyrka
STOCKHOLM - STG               : SWEDEN     
   Deutsche St.Gertruds Kirche
   (Sct.Gertruds kyrka)
STOCKHOLM - STC               : SWEDEN     
   S:ta Clara kyrka
VASTERAS                      : SWEDEN     
   Rådhuset (City Hall Tower)
VAXJO                         : SWEDEN     
   Domkyrka (Cathedral)
VISBY                         : SWEDEN     
   Sancta Maria Domkyrka (Cathedral)

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This index page was extracted from the corresponding European page on 9-Jan-25 and last revised on 23-Jan-25.

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