*Location: John W. Beaumont Memorial Tower Michigan State University within West Circle Drive East Lansing, Michigan, USA LL: N 42.73196, W 84.48227
*Carillonist: Jonathan Lehrer, (C) University Carillonist (effective 15 Aug 2022) E: jonathan.lehrer/@/gmail DOTcom - and - Laurie Harkema, Assistant Carillonist - and - Patricia M. Johannes, volunteer assistant E: Johanne7@msu.edu - and - (Mrs.) Sally S. Harwood, (C) volunteer assistant 43 Agate Way Williamston, MI 48895-9423 H: 517-655-4798 W: 517-353-4934 F: 517-432-4567 E: Sally.S.Harwood@gmail.com*Past carillonists: 1929-41 Russell Daubert 1941-87 Wendell Westcott (1911-2010) 1985-87 William Vajda (1987-96 silent) 1996-97 Margo Halsted (C) 1997-2021 Ray I. McLellan (1958-2021) *Contact: Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 T: 517-385-1855 *Schedule: Wednesday & Thursday at noon; Saturday & Sunday 4-5pm. Automatics: Westminster quarters 0700-2300 daily; alma mater daily after 5pm strike; seasonal music after 0900 and 1200. *Remarks: Last 4 basses were the last bells cast by G&J (using Taylor foundry); one is dated 1954, though not installed then; reports of these 4 being installed in 1959 appear to be incorrect. Restored 1995-6, with new keyboard; bass C# key in manual and pedal is a spring-loaded dummy. 20 P&F trebles (14 from 1954, 6 from 1951) removed; disposition unknown. Practice keyboard range -Z54:GC/GC30, allowing use in support of Ann Arbor North Campus. *Technical data: Traditional carillon of 49 bells Pitch of heaviest bell is C in the middle octave Keyboard range: A#C / A#C 25 Transposition is up 2 semitone(s), i.e., from C to D There are two missing bass semitones There is a non-identical practice console The instrument was enlarged in 1996 with 22 bells made by Eijsbouts Prior history: In 1957, the instrument was enlarged to 47 bells by Gillett & Johnston (4 bells were added in and/or remain from that work.) Keyboard range was: C C / C C 23 Transposition was nil (concert pitch) In 1952, the instrument was enlarged to 43 bells by Petit & Fritsen (0 bells remain from that work.) Pitch of heaviest bell was E in the middle octave Keyboard range was: C -- / ---- Transposition was up 4 semitone(s), i.e., from C to E In 1950, the instrument was enlarged to 37 bells by Petit & Fritsen (0 bells remain from that work.) Keyboard range was: C D / ---- In 1935, the instrument was enlarged to 23 bells by Gillett & Johnston (10 bells were added in and/or remain from that work.) Keyboard range was: C C / ---- In 1930, the instrument was enlarged to 13 bells by Gillett & Johnston (3 bells were added in and/or remain from that work.) Keyboard range was: C -- / ---- In 1928, the instrument was begun with 10 bells by Gillett & Johnston (10 bells remain from that work.) Auxiliary mechanisms: E27Q Tower details: Height of console: 10 meters above ground Height of lowest level of bells: 15 meters above ground Height of highest level of bells: 18 meters above ground Belfry openness: 80% Year of latest technical information source is 1996*Links:
This page was built from the database on 29-Dec-24 based on textual data last updated on 2024/12/28 and on technical data last updated on 2003/04/22 |
*Photos: (none available) |
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