John Courter Carillon *Location: Draper Building (Jessie Preston Draper Memorial) Berea College Chestnut Street (US Hwy.25) near Main Street (KY Hwy.595) Berea, Kentucky, USA LL: N 37.57298, W 84.29227
*Carillonist: Dr.Javier Clavere, (A) College Organist and Carillonneur 101 Chestnut Street, CPO 2194 Berea College Berea, KY 40404-1516 W: 859-985-3464 F: 859-985-3994 E:*Past carillonist: 2000-10 John E. Courter (1941-2010) *Contact: Xiangtang "XT" Hong, D.M.A. Chair, Department of Music 305 Presser Hall, CPO 2194 Berea College Berea, KY 40404-0003 T: 859-985-3464 F: 859-985-3994 - or - T: 859-985-3000 [switchboard] *Schedule: (unknown) *Remarks: 52 bells cast in 1980, 47 for MECHANICSBURG - 1, USA - PA, and 5 as part of MECHANICSBURG - 4, USA - PA. 2 basses and 2 trebles cast for this installation. Practice keyboard in studio below playing room. Keyboard range is 5 octaves, G to G; by R.Strauss & Verdin Co. to proposed world standard dimensions. Dedicated 27 October 2000. Additional practice keyboard in old studio in Phelps Stokes Chapel attic, by Bigelow/Paccard, obtained from National Shrine in DC in 1988. Carillon formally named in 2010. *Technical data: Traditional carillon of 56 bells Pitch of heaviest bell is D# in the middle octave Keyboard range: A#G / A#C 25 Transposition is up 5 semitone(s), i.e., from C to F There are two missing bass semitones There is an identical practice console The whole instrument was installed in 2000 with bells made by Petit & Fritsen No auxiliary mechanisms known Tower details not available Year of latest technical information source is 2000*Links:
This page was built from the database on 29-Dec-24 based on textual data last updated on 2024/12/20 and on technical data last updated on 2000/05/27 |
*Photos: (none available) |
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