Women's War Memorial *Location: City Hall Darling Street Cape Town, Province of the Western Cape, South Africa LL: S 33.92536, E 18.42382
*Carillonist: Alexios Vicatos E: avicatos@hotmail.com*Past carillonneurs: 1925Ap30 ded. Anton Brees 1927-55 Jan Luyt jr. c.1953 Jacq G Vermaak Keith Jewell 19??-20?? Donovan W. Baguley *Contact: City Hall Darling Street Cape Town, Western Cape 8000 T: 021 400 2230 E: contactus@capetown.gov.za *Schedule: (unknown) *Remarks: First 5 bells installed 1905 as a clock chime (Cambridge/Westminster, with hour strike at the fifth). Nine bells ordered in 1922, more in 1923 (including present bourdon), 1924 and 1925; all installed 1925, with mechanical drum for 12 bells by J.Smith & Sons, Derby, England. Keyboard has 9 dropped trebles for future expansion to four octaves; practice keyboard is complete. Report of addition of electric action in Nov.2010 is apparently false.*Bass bell: b0, ??, 5313#, 1923, Taylor *Technical data: Traditional carillon of 39 bells Pitch of heaviest bell is B in the bass octave Keyboard range: C D / C G Transposition is down 1 semitone(s), i.e., from C to B There are no missing bass semitones There is a practice console The instrument was enlarged in 1954 with bells made by Taylor Prior history: In 1925, the instrument was begun with 37 bells by Taylor (except for 5) Keyboard range was: C C / C G Auxiliary mechanisms: M12 Tower details not available Year of latest technical information source is unknown*Links:
This page was built from the database on 29-Dec-24 based on textual data last updated on 2024/12/22 and on technical data last updated on 2023/08/16 |
*Photos: (none available) |
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