
   Alfred Gelder Street at Wilberforce
     Drive and Lowgate
     Yorkshire/East Riding, England
   OS Ref. TA 100 288
   LL: N 53.74446, W 0.33278
Site locator map
City locator maps and gazetteer page (County is wrong; other data are correct.)




   Cambridge (Westminster) quarters


   Clock chime; first 5 bells by Warner:
   tenor 1865, 4 quarters 1914, hour
   strike at the octave.
   Nine of 12 installed in 2004 were cast
   in 2004; added semitones were sharp
   4th, flat 7th, sharp octave.
   Installation of the latest expansion
   by Pembletons.

*Technical data:

   Electric-automatic carillon of 25 bells
   Pitch of heaviest bell (excluding sub-bourdon) is B  in the middle octave
   Transposition is not applicable
   Keyboard range: (CG)C C   /    NONE  
   There are two missing bass semitones
   There is no practice console
   The instrument was enlarged in 2010
     with  8 bells made by Taylor      
   Prior history:
     In 2005, the instrument was begun with 17 bells
       by Taylor       (except for 5)
       Keyboard range was: (CG)C G   /    NONE  
       There were three added semitones
   Auxiliary mechanisms: Q4H   
   Tower details not available
   Year of latest technical information source is 2013

The first bells being fewer than 8 in number, they are not indexed by foundry.
Where the second phase of this work lies in the sequence of output of the Taylor bellfoundry, in this region and in the world.
Where the final phase of this work lies in the sequence of output of the Taylor bellfoundry, in this region and in the world.

Ranking among all British Isles non-traditional carillons by pitch (weight).
Ranking among all British Isles non-traditional carillons by size (number of bells).
Ranking among all British Isles non-traditional carillons by year of completion.

Index to all tower bell instruments in England.

   This page was built from the database on  5-Nov-23
   based on textual data last updated on 2020/10/22
   and on technical data last updated on 2013/02/12

(none available)

Explanations of page format and keyboard range are available.

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