Leonidas Polk Memorial Carillon *Location: Shapard Tower All Saints Chapel The University of the South University Avenue at S.Carolina Avenue Sewanee, Tennessee, USA LL: N 35.20385, W 85.92014*Access: Stair turret from former baptistry to lower belfry; lift (inoperable) or open steel stairs to playing cabin at parapet level (between belfries).
*Carillonist: Rev.Dr. Raymond M. Gotko (A) 501 Sweetberry Drive Monteagle, TN 37356-6003 H: 931-924-2253 E: RGotko@gmail.com - and - Charlene Williamson (AC) 8367 Tullahoma Highway Estill Springs, TN 37330-3745 H: 931-649-2238 E: CharleneWilliamson@gmail.com*Past carillonists: 1959-84 Albert Bonholzer (d.1988) 1984-92 Esther B. Watson (A) & Laura Hewitt Whipple (d.) 1992-97 Marcia de Bary (C) 1997-99 Laura Hewitt Whipple (d.) 1999-2000 Jeff Davis (C) 2000-17 John L. Bordley, Jr. (C) *Contact: The University of the South 735 University Avenue Sewanee, TN 37383 T: 931-598-1274 [Chapel Office] *Schedule: Tuesday & Thursday at 1230; Sunday after 1100 service. *Remarks: Keyboards and original installation by Arthur Bigelow, who also influenced the tower design. 8 basses in lower belfry; 3 rows of trebles on timber. 1991: Transmission replaced and keyboards rebuilt by Verdin, with new sound bars, resonators and action on practice clavier. Bourdon no longer swings, but can be tolled electrically to simulate swing; C,D,F have same action since 2012. *Technical data: Traditional carillon of 56 bells Pitch of heaviest bell is A# in the bass octave Keyboard range: A#G / A#A Transposition is nil (concert pitch) There are two missing bass semitones There is an identical practice console The whole instrument was installed in 1958 with bells made by Paccard Auxiliary mechanisms: nS1 Tower details: Height of console: 27 meters above ground Height of lowest level of bells: 10 meters above ground Height of highest level of bells: 33 meters above ground Belfry openness: 20% Year of latest technical information source is 1973*Links:
This page was built from the database on 29-Dec-24 based on textual data last updated on 2024/12/22 and on technical data last updated on 2007/06/30 |
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