*Location: Gemeentehuis (Raadhuistoren) Raadhuisplein, near Brinklaan Bussum, Noord-Holland, Netherlands LL: N 52.27774, E 5.16301
*Carillonist: (position vacant) ??-?? Jan E. A. Kruls 2020-24 Levina Pors (d.) *Contact: Gemeente Gooise Meren Brinklaan 35 1404 EP Bussum T: 35/207 0000 E: griffie/@/gooisemeren.nl *Schedule: (unknown) *Remarks: Since 1 Jan 2016, Bussum has been incorporated into the larger Gemeente Gooise Meren. *Technical data: Traditional carillon of 47 bells Pitch of heaviest bell is C in the treble octave Keyboard range: C C / ---- Transposition is up one octave There are two missing bass semitones The presence or absence of a practice console is unknown The whole instrument was installed in 1974 with bells made by Petit & Fritsen No auxiliary mechanisms known Tower details: Height of console: (unknown) Height of lowest level of bells: (unknown) Height of highest level of bells: (unknown) Belfry openness: 99% Year of latest technical information source is 1976*Links:
This page was built from the database on 29-Dec-24 based on textual data last updated on 2024/12/28 and on technical data last updated on 1975/07/20 |
*Photos: (none available) |
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