Ann & Robert H. Lurie Carillon


   North Campus
   University of Michigan
   Bonisteel Boulevard
   Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
   LL: N 42.29204, W 83.71621
Site locator map


   Dr. Tiffany Ng,  (C)
     Associate Professor of Music
        and University Carillonist
   900 Burton Memorial Tower
   University of Michigan
   Ann Arbor, MI  48109-1270
   W: 734-764-4414
   - and -
   students, alumni, guests, etc.
*Past carillonists:
   1996-2003 Margo Halsted   (C)
   2003-04 Ray I. McLellan   (C)
   2004-05 Joseph Daniel   (C)
   2005-13 Steven J. Ball   (C)
   2013-15 Kipp B. Cortez   (C)


   David Gier, Dean
   The University of Michigan
   1100 Baits Drive #2102
   Ann Arbor, MI  48109
   T: 734-764-0584
   - or -
   Steven L Ceccio, Interim Dean
   College of Engineering
   The University of Michigan
   1221 Beal Avenue #2249
   Ann Arbor, MI  48109
   T: 734-647-7010


   Mon-Fri 1330-1400
   (tower open to public);
   summer series mid-June thru July,
   7pm Monday (guests), alternating weeks
   between here and the Baird carillon.


   10 basses below playing cabin, which is
   reached by elevator.
   Bells cast 1995-6; dedicated Oct.1996.
   Eijsbouts practice keyboard, 1996,
   refurbished by Eijsbouts in 2024,
   located in Duderstadt Center near tower.

*Technical data:

   Traditional carillon of 60 bells
   Pitch of heaviest bell is G  in the bass octave
   Transposition is nil (concert pitch)
   Keyboard range:     G G   /    G C 29
   There is one missing bass semitone
   There is a practice console
   The whole instrument was installed in 1996
     with bells made by Eijsbouts    
   Auxiliary mechanisms: E38   
   Tower details: 
     Height of console:                 42 meters above ground
     Height of lowest level of bells:   36 meters above ground
     Height of highest level of bells:  50 meters above ground
     Belfry openness:  50%
   Year of latest technical information source is 2024

The University of Michigan, School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, Department of Organ has a page describing carillon study and includes photos detailing both of the carillons at U of M.  (There are links to individual pages about both U of M carillons that will appear on a main carillon studies page linked from the main page of the organ department site.)
UM's own map of the North Campus shows the tower

YouTube videos

Wikipedia article about the tower

Waymarking page, with 3 photos

Photo of the tower

Sound samples of the bells

Where this work lies in the sequence of output of the Eijsbouts bellfoundry, in this region and in the world.

Ranking among all North American traditional carillons by weight.
Ranking among all North American traditional carillons by size (number of bells).
Ranking among all North American concert class carillons by year of completion.

Other grand carillons with similar keyboard ranges.

The bass bell of this carillon is among all great bells in North America.

Index to all traditional carillons in MI.

Index to all tower bell instruments in MI.

   This page was built from the database on  4-Apr-24
   based on textual data last updated on 2024/04/03
   and on technical data last updated on 2024/04/03

(none available)

Explanations of page format and keyboard range are available.

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