Traditional carillons in Central and South America:
index by country

Traditional carillons may be found in Central and South America in the following countries:

BM - Bermuda
BR - Brazil
CU - Cuba
SV - El Salvador
HN - Honduras
AN - Netherlands Antilles
NI - Nicaragua
SR - Suriname
UY - Uruguay
VE - Venezuela

Click on any underlined country abbreviation above to go directly to that section of this index.  Within a country, sites are listed alphabetically by city name.

NOTE: If you do not find here a city (or instrument) which you think should be listed, then check the combined index to all Central and South American sites.  Sites in Mexico are indexed with North America.

Bermuda (BM)

PEMBROKE                      : BERMUDA     
   St.John's Cathedral 
Brazil (BR)
BELO HORIZONTE                : BRAZIL      
SAO PAULO - MC                : BRAZIL      
   Catedral da Sé
   Metropolitan Cathedral
   Catedral Metropolitana de São Paulo 
SAO PAULO - VF                : BRAZIL      
   Catholic church 
Cuba (CU)
HABANA                        : CUBA        
   Our Lady of Lourdes Church 
El Salvador (SV)
SAN SALVADOR                  : EL SALVADOR 
   Iglesia María Auxiliadora 
Honduras (HN)
TEGUCIGALPA                   : HONDURAS    
   Basilica de Suyapa 
Netherlands Antilles (AN)
WILLEMSTAD - CM               : NED.ANTIL.  
   Curaçao Museum 
Nicaragua (NI)
LEON                          : NICARAGUA   
Suriname (SR)
PARAMARIBO                    : SURINAME    
   Toren op Vaillantsplein/Valliantsplein
Uruguay (UY)
MONTEVIDEO - CC               : URUGUAY     
   Beffroi de la Mairie Communale
Venezuela (VE)
SAN CRISTOBAL                 : VENEZUELA   
   Iglesia de Los Recolletos

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This index page was built from the database on 23-Aug-00 and last revised 14-Jun-18.

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