
   Christ Church Cathedral (Episcopal)
   121 North Meridian
   Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
   LL: N 39.76929, W 86.15781
Site locator map




   Christ Church Cathedral Office
   55 Monument Circle, Suite 600
   Indianapolis, IN  46204-2917
   T: 317-636-4577   F: 317-635-1040




   Added semitone is flat 7th.
   First 4 bells installed early 1860,
   next 4 later that year, tenor in 1890.
   Original keyboard removed to storage;
   octave now chimed to changes by
   individual ropes.  Tenor and flat 7th
   can be chimed from ground floor.

*Technical data:

   Chime-sized instrument with action described in Remarks above of  9 bells
   Pitch of heaviest bell is E  in the middle octave
   Transposition is not applicable
   Keyboard range:     ROPE  /    NONE  
   There is one added semitone
   The instrument was enlarged in 1890
     with bells made by Meneely/Wvlt 
   Prior history:
     In 1860, the instrument was begun with  8 bells
       by Meneely/Wvlt
       Pitch of heaviest bell was F# in the middle octave
       The arrangement of tones and/or semitones
         was non-standard; see Remarks above.
   Auxiliary mechanisms: nC    
   Tower details not available
   Year of latest technical information source is 2001

The Cathedral Website has a small photo of the building on the About/Worship page, but does not mentions of the bells anywhere;  Once upon a time, they were mentioned on a history page, but that no longer exists.

Where the initial phase of this work lies in the sequence of output of the Meneely (Watervliet) bellfoundry.
Where the final phase of this work lies in the sequence of output of the Meneely (Watervliet) bellfoundry.

Ranking among all North American chimes by size (number of bells).
Ranking among all North American chimes by weight (pitch).
Ranking among all North American chimes by year of completion.

Index to all tower bell instruments in IN.

   This page was built from the database on  4-Nov-23
   based on textual data last updated on 2007/03/29
   and on technical data last updated on 2001/11/09

(none available)

Explanations of page format and keyboard range are available.

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