Arthur R. Metz Memorial Carillon *Location: Indiana University East 10th Street at North Fee Lane Bloomington, Indiana, USA LL: N 39.17068, W 86.51960
1640 East 17th Street, opposite North Jordan Avenue LL: N 39.17735, W 86.51062
Indiana University is looking for an Associate Instructor of Carillon beginning in Fall 2025. For more information, please contact Wade FitzGerald: *Carillonist: Wade FitzGerald, (C) Associate Carillon Instructor T: 813-455-9049 E:*Past carillonists: 1971-72 Arie Abbenes 1973-75 (unknown) 1976-83 Linda Walker (Pointer) (C) 1984-86 (none) 1987-96 Brian T. Swager (C) 1996-2020 (none) 2020-22 Lynnli Wang (C) *Contact: Prof.Janette S. Fishell Chair, Organ Department Jacobs School of Music, JS222 E: - or - Office of the Dean School of Music Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405-2200 T: 812-855-1583 E: *Schedule: Saturdays 1200-1245 *Remarks: In 1996, Meeks & Watson built a new console, which Verdin installed. Practice console, identical to the original, remains in School of Music. For -3, see under Chimes. Sep.2017: last concert in old tower, by John Gouwens Mar.2018: Tower demolished; dedication of new tower planned for 2019 Jan.2019: New tower under construction Jan.2020: New installation played for first time on MLK day Jun.2020: New practice console dupli- cates new playing console. Autoplay on 2 octaves via Clock-O-Matic Apollo III system. *Technical data: Traditional carillon of 65 bells Pitch of heaviest bell is G in the bass octave Keyboard range: G C / G C 29 Transposition is nil (concert pitch) There is one missing bass semitone There is an identical practice console The instrument was enlarged in 2019 with bells made by Eijsbouts Prior history: In 1996, the keyboard was replaced by the maker cited in Remarks above Pitch of heaviest bell was A# in the bass octave Keyboard range was: C C 60/ A#C 25 There were two missing bass semitones In 1971, the instrument was begun with 61 bells by Eijsbouts Auxiliary mechanisms: E24 Tower details: Height of console: 16 meters above ground Height of lowest level of bells: 20 meters above ground Height of highest level of bells: 27 meters above ground Belfry openness: % Year of latest technical information source is 2022*Links:
This page was built from the database on 14-Oct-24 based on textual data last updated on 2022/09/04 and on technical data last updated on 2022/06/23 |
*Photos: (none available) |
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