
   Ribe, Ribe Amt, Denmark
   LL: N 55.3281, E 8.7615
Site locator map
City locator maps and gazetteer page


   Birgitte Ebert, Domorganist
   T: 76 88 26 13
   E: beb@km.dk


   Gravsgade 50
   DK-6760 Ribe
   T: 75 42 03 50
   E: ehi@km.dk


   Automatic play at 1200, 1800


   Bells by K.T.A.Sørensen, Brønderslev.
   Pitch of bass bell estimated from
   reported weight of 335 kg.

*Technical data:

   Mechanical-automatic chime of  9 bells
   Pitch of heaviest bell is B  in the middle octave
   Transposition is not applicable
   Keyboard range:     NONE  /    NONE  
   The arrangement of tones and semitones is unknown.
   The whole instrument was installed in 1931
     by the maker cited in Remarks above
   No auxiliary mechanisms known
   Tower details not available
   Year of latest technical information source is 1955

The home page of the cathedral Website has some partial photos of the building.  The Church History page does not mention these bells.

A choir Website offers a fine aerial view of the cathedral and its mis-matched towers, one dating from 1283 and the other from 1333 (if I'm reading the Danish correctly!).

Where this work lies in the sequence of output of the Sørensen bellfoundry, in this region and in the world.

Ranking among all Scandinavian chimes by pitch (weight).
Ranking among all Scandinavian chimes by size (number of bells).
Ranking among all Scandinavian chimes by year of completion.

Index to all tower bell instruments in DK/Jylland.

   This page was built from the database on  6-Dec-12
   based on textual data last updated on 2006/08/02
   and on technical data last updated on 2006/08/02

(none available)

Explanations of page format and keyboard range are available.

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Please send comments or questions to csz_stl@swbell.net