Kong Frederik IX's Klokkespil *Location: Klokkespilsparken Sølstedgaardvej Løgumkloster, Sønderjyllands Amt, Denmark LL: N 55.05609, E 8.95417
*Carillonist: (position vacant since 2019)*Past Carillonneurs: 1973-78 Peter Møller 1978-79 Jane Østergaard Lauridsen 1979-2004 Peter Langberg (H) 2004-19 Ann-Kirstine Christiansen *Contact: Scandinavian Carillon School Markedspladsen 7 DK-6240 Løgumkloster T: 74 74 40 70 F: 74 74 53 11 E: scs@km.dk, akc@km.dk - or - Nordisk Samfund for Campanalogi og Klokkespil (NSCK) Vestergade 9 DK-6240 Løgumkloster - or - Peter Langberg E: peterlangberg45@gmail.com - or - Per Rasmus Møller E: prm@km.dk *Schedule: Autoplay only, 6 times daily; awaiting restoration of carillon and tower. *Remarks: Installation by Jermin Larsen; maintenance by Olsen-Nauen of Norway. Tower is used by the Scandinavian Carillon School, a department of Løgumkloster Kirkemusikskole (Church Music School). 2021: Expansion to 63 is planned within the next year*Bass bells: c#1, ??cm, ??kg, 1973, P&F d#1, 143cm, 1800kg, 1973, P&F *Technical data: Traditional carillon of 49 bells Pitch of heaviest bell is C# in the middle octave Keyboard range: C C 48/ A#G Transposition is up 3 semitone(s), i.e., from C to D# There are two missing bass semitones The presence or absence of a practice console is unknown The whole instrument was installed in 1973 with bells made by Petit & Fritsen Auxiliary mechanisms: E Tower details: Height of console: 17 meters above ground Height of lowest level of bells: 22 meters above ground Height of highest level of bells: 25 meters above ground Belfry openness: 99% Year of latest technical information source is 1973*Links:
This page was built from the database on 29-Dec-24 based on textual data last updated on 2024/12/05 and on technical data last updated on 1979/03/13 |
*Photos: (none available) |
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