*Location: Sct.Catharinæ Kirke Store Kirkestræde Hjørring, Nordjylland Amt, Denmark LL: N 57.46176, E 9.98212
*Player: Gorin Back Pedersen - or - Lars Colding Wolf T: 98 90 46 55 - or - Lise Lotte Kristensen T: 98 90 46 55 *Contact: Sct.Catharinæ Kirkekontoret Store Kirkestræde 13 DK-9800 Hjørring T: 98 90 16 55 F: 98 90 16 57 E: 8454@sogn.dk, grt@km.dk *Schedule: Automatic play daily at 8,12,16,20,24 *Remarks: Installed by Boas Nielsen (Thubalka); includes bell(s) by Sørensen; manual action of chime apparently superseded by electric action.*Bourdon: a#1, 96cm, 520kg, 1944, Sørensen *Technical data: Electric-keyboard carillon of 25 bells Pitch of heaviest bell is A# in the middle octave Keyboard range: ---- / ---- Transposition is unknown The arrangement of tones and semitones is unknown. The instrument was enlarged in 1975 with bells made by Eijsbouts Prior history: In 1945, the instrument was begun with 16 bells by the maker cited in Remarks above Auxiliary mechanisms: E Tower details not available Year of latest technical information source is 1991*Links:
This page was built from the database on 29-Dec-24 based on textual data last updated on 2024/12/04 and on technical data last updated on 2006/08/02 |
*Photos: (none available) |
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