*Location: Brøndby Strand Kirke Brøndby Strand Centrum 90 Brøndby Strand, Sjælland, Denmark LL: N 55.62259, E 12.41894
*Carillonist: Kathrine Immerkjær Christiansen E: organist@brondbystrandkirke.dk*Past Carillonneurs: Viggo Kanding Annelise Sørensen *Contact: Brøndby Strand Kirkekontor Ny Mæglergårds Alle 34 DK-2660 Brøndby Strand T: 43 53 27 04 E: formanden@brondbystrandkirke.dk *Schedule: (unknown) *Remarks: Bells cast 1985, installed by K.E.Vestergaard, "Kevest". Four basses also swing (D#,F#,G#,A#).*Bourdon: d#1, 127cm, 1270kg, 1986, P&F (also reportred as 1250 or 1315 kg) *Technical data: Traditional carillon of 48 bells Pitch of heaviest bell is D# in the middle octave Keyboard range: C C / C -- Transposition is up 3 semitone(s), i.e., from C to D# There is one missing bass semitone The presence or absence of a practice console is unknown The whole instrument was installed in 1986 with bells made by Petit & Fritsen Auxiliary mechanisms: IE Tower details not available Year of latest technical information source is 2006*Links:
This page was built from the database on 29-Dec-24 based on textual data last updated on 2024/12/04 and on technical data last updated on 2006/08/10 |
*Photos: (none available) |
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