
   Stadthaus (west wall)
   Goldgasse & Brauhof
   (rear of Am Stadthaus 1)
   Apolda, Thüringen, Germany
   LL: N 51.02294, E 11.51477
Site locator map
City locator maps and gazetteer page


   Tourist-Information Apolda
   Markt 1
   D-99510 Apolda
   T: 3644 650100
   E: tourist-information/@/apolda DOTde


   Autoplay daily at 0955,1155,1644


   The middle part of a set of 40 bells
   cast in Waren by Peter Schilling
   in 1989 but never installed as planned;
   installed here by Perner.

*Technical data:

   Electric-automatic chime of 18 bells
   Pitch of heaviest bell is F  in the itty-bitty octave
   Transposition is not applicable
   Keyboard range:     F C   /    NONE  
   There are two missing bass semitones
   The whole instrument was installed in 2000
     with bells made by Schilling in 1989      
   No auxiliary mechanisms known
   Tower details not available
   Year of latest technical information source is 2023

The DGV page about this chime has a photo of the bells.

A tourism page (in German) recounts the history of bellfounding in Apolda, and gives information about four sets of bells in the city.

The Wikimedia Commons category for this building has photos of the chime at various stages of growth of the ivy on the wall., as well as of the nearby replica of the Petersglocke in the cathedral of Cologne (not visible on overhead photography).

Embedded video article (3:16) includes snippets of the bells, programming the controller, and a view of the dedicatory plaque.

Where this work lies in the sequence of output of the Schilling bellfoundry, in this region and in the world.

Ranking among all German chimes by pitch (weight).
Ranking among all German chimes by size (number of bells).
Ranking among all German chimes by year of completion.

Index to all tower bell instruments in Germany/Thuringia.

   This page was built from the database on  9-Aug-23
   based on textual data last updated on 2023/08/02
   and on technical data last updated on 2013/08/09

(none available)

Explanations of page format and keyboard range are available.

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