*Location: St.Peter's Anglican School Witkoppen Road at Grieff Road Paulshof, Sandton, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa LL: S 26.03165, E 28.03349
*Contact: Find current ringers' contact(s) at the Webpage of The Transvaal Society of Church Bell Ringers
St.Peter's Anglican School *parcel: 105 Witkoppen Road Paulshof *postal: PO Box 37 Rivonia 2128 Johannesburg T: 011 705 3423 E: reception /@/ stpeters DOTco DOTza - or - Ms. Monica Sloan E: msloane /@/ stpeters DOTco DOTza *Schedule: (unknown) *Remarks: Completed by Bowditch & Higby, hung in a new frame by Higby.*Bells: f#2, 22.25", 2-0-11, 1905, Whitechapel g#2, 19.5", 1-2-0, 2011, B&H a#2, 17.75", 1-0-25, 1938, Taylor b2, 16.8", 1-0-6, 1887, Warner c#3, 16.5", 1-0-17, 2011, B&H d#3, 15.5", 0-3-24, 2011, B&H *Technical data: Ring of 6 bells Pitch of heaviest bell is F# in the treble octave Keyboard range: ROPE / NONE Transposition is not applicable There are no added semitones The whole instrument was installed in 2011 with bells made by M.Higby and others No auxiliary mechanisms known Tower details not available Year of latest technical information source is 2005*Links:
This page was built from the database on 29-Dec-24 based on textual data last updated on 2024/12/22 and on technical data last updated on 2012/10/21 |
*Photos: (none available) |
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