Chimes of the world -
summary of regional distributions

The list below shows "average chime" data from the distributions of bass and treble bells in chimes (and peals) in the various regions of the world.  Since averages are more meaningful when based on larger numbers, the regions are shown in ascending order by the percentage of chimes for which the bourdon specification is unknown.

"Average" lines from XXxxSMgrids summary pages:

North American rings - 2%
 + Average ring:  9 bells, tenor code 19 = F#1 (min 14 = C#1, max 27 = D2), based on 49 instruments with 1 unknown
 + Average ring:  9 bells, treble code 32 = G2 (min 27 = D2, max 38 = C#3), based on 49 instruments with 1 unknown

British Isles - 3% to 22%
 + Average chime: 12 bells, bourdon code 21 = G#1 (min 10 = A0, max 39 = D3), based on 72 instruments with  2 unknowns
 + Average chime: 12 bells, treble code 36 = B3 (min 25 = C2, max 57 = G#5),  based on 72 instruments with 16 unknowns

Denmark and dependencies - 9% to 100% unknown
 + Average chime: 12 bells, bourdon code 28 = D#2 (min 16 = D#1, max 37 = C3), based on 22 instruments with 2 unknowns
 + Average chime: 12 bells, treble code unknown, based on 22 instruments with 22 unknowns

North American chimes - 12% to 50%
 + Average chime: 12 bells, bourdon code 18 = F1 (min 8 = G0, max 42 = F3),   based on 674 instruments with  81 unknowns
 + Average chime: 12 bells, treble code 32 = G2 (min 21 = G#1, max 62 = C#5), based on 674 instruments with 334 unknowns

Netherlands - 15% to 94%
 + Average chime: 16 bells, bourdon code 35 = A#2 (min 7 = F#0, max 53 = E4), based on 161 instruments with  25 unknowns
 + Average chime: 16 bells, treble code 44 = G4 (min 25 = C2, max 57 = G#4),  based on 161 instruments with 151 unknowns

Asia and the Pacific Rim - 17% to 36% unknown
 + Average chime: 11 bells, bourdon code 23 = A#1 (min 13 = C1, max 49 = C4), based on 132 instruments with 22 unknowns
 + Average chime: 11 bells, treble code 33 = G#2 (min 24 = B1, max 43 = F#3), based on 132 instruments with 47 unknowns

Europe and the North Atlantic - 27% to 85% unknown
 + Average chime: 12 bells, bourdon code 20 = G1 (min 1 = C0, max 42 = F3),   based on 169 instruments with  46 unknowns
 + Average chime: 12 bells, treble code 38 = C#3 (min 19 = F#1, max 53 = E4), based on 169 instruments with 144 unknowns

Germany - 30% to 91% unknown
 + Average chime: 14 bells, bourdon code 26 = C#2 (min 6 = F0, max 44 = G4),  based on 66 instruments with 20 unknowns
 + Average chime: 14 bells, treble code 44 = G3 (min 28 = D#2, max 57 = G#4), based on 66 instruments with 60 unknowns

Central and South America - 31% to 68% unknown
 + Average chime: 14 bells, bourdon code 26 = C#2 (min 18 = F1, max 37 = C3), based on 19 instruments with  6 unknowns
 + Average chime: 14 bells, treble code 36 = B2 (min 29 = E2, max 48 = B3),   based on 19 instruments with 13 unknowns

Belgium - 37% to 87% unknown
 + Average chime: 14 bells, bourdon code 33 = G#2 (min 22 = A1, max 44 = G3), based on 16 instruments with  6 unknowns
 + Average chime: 14 bells, treble code 55 = F#4 (min 53 = E4, max 57 = G#4), based on 16 instruments with 14 unknowns

Africa and the Middle East - 53% unknown
 + Average chime: 10 bells, bourdon code 20 = G1 (min 16 = D#1, max 29 = E2), based on 19 instruments with 10 unknowns
 + Average chime: 10 bells, treble code 33 = G#3 (min 30 = F3, max 42 = F4),  based on 19 instruments with 10 unknowns

France - 63% to 79%
 + Average chime: 13 bells, bourdon code 28 = D#2 (min 9 = G#0, max 42 = F3), based on 78 instruments with 49 unknowns
 + Average chime: 13 bells, treble code 45 = G#3 (min 33 = G#2, max 60 = B4), based on 78 instruments with 62 unknowns

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This summary page was built from the database on 1-Jun-20 and last revised 09-May-21.

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