In the pre-Internet era, information was often gathered by mailing out printed survey forms, in the hope that someone would fill in the requested information and mail them back. The forms that we used for that purpose have been slightly adapted and are now available for you to download and print. (Major revisions to the forms would have made them incompatible with the historical archive.)
To submit information about the carillon, chime, ring or tubular tower chime at your institution, pick the appropriate set of survey forms below, download it and print it. Each set of forms is contained in a PDF file, which can be read and printed on any computer platform using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader (or other utility). Each set includes a standard instruction page, an appropriate form for reporting technical details of a particular type of tower bell instrument, and a standard form for reporting technical details of the tower in which the instrument is hung.
If you don't yet have it, download the free Acrobat Reader from the Adobe Website:
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This page was created 2002/05/28 and last revised 2014/03/08.
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