In a reversal of previous policy (or intention), we will not normally provide custom printouts identical to standard PDFs available for download, because nowadays you can easily enough arrange to have those printed as you wish. If you want an exception to this policy, you'll have to present a good argument. So the rest of this page assumes that you want a custom product from the database.
If you have a clear idea of what you want, and how it differs from the standard PDFs, that's fine - skip the rest of this paragraph. If you don't have a clear idea of what you want, it might help to do this:
There is one major restriction on selection: because of computer processing limitations, it is not possible to start with the entire world as the geographic area of interest unless one of the selection criteria is "only traditional carillons". The worldwide summary of instruments shows the numbers involved; the current limit is 1720 sites comprising 2500 phases of installation. Currently only North America has chimes treated as a separate "geographical area"; omitting that section as well as Italy permits the remainder of the world to be loaded into the analysis program. It appears likely that the same separation will have to be applied to the Netherlands soon.
As indicated under Useful selection criteria, there is a very wide variety of possibilities, and essentially all of them can also be used as sort criteria. However, there is one major restriction on sorting. If you specify sort criteria, then for the instruments which meet your selection criteria you cannot see the technical detail of any installation phase which does not meet your selection criteria. Expressed another way, if you want to see all installation phases of every instrument wherein any phase meets your selection criteria, then the sites must be listed in original area/city alphabetic order (i.e., no sort criteria can be specified).
To start the order process, click this email link:
That should open a new outgoing message in your email program,
preset with my eddress and the subject "PrintToOrder Request".
In the body of that message, answer the following questions,
putting each answer in a separate paragraph:
If your message isn't clear, or I can't do precisely what you've asked, we'll exchange emails until we reach agreement or you withdraw your request.
When I can produce what you want, I'll tell you how many pages there will be, and what it will cost. That is figured as follows:
If you agree with that, then print a copy of my quotation message, and send it via postal mail to me at the address specified therein, along with a check or money order in US$. Checks must have magnetic encoding for clearance through a US bank.
Upon receipt of your payment, I will produce your custom printout. If you paid for PDF, it will be emailed to you within 48 hours. If you paid for hardcopy, it will be printed, bound (if appropriate) and shipped by surface mail, and an email notice of shipment will be sent to you.
P.P.S. If your request seems to be something that would be widely useful as well as easy to produce on a routine basis, I may choose to convert your order into a suggestion for enhancement of the TowerBells Website.
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This page was created 2007/12/07 and last revised 2022/04/10.
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