*Location: Patton Memorial Tower St.James' Episcopal Church North Main Street near 8th Avenue Hendersonville, North Carolina, USA LL: N 35.32095, W 82.46076
*Ringers' contact(s): Mr. Chris Coleman, Tower Captain 2840 Haywood Road Hendersonville, NC 28791-1330 H: 828-693-0620 E: birddochah /@/ yahoo DOTcom - or - Mr.Beverly Ward, Ringing Master 1402 Fifth Avenue West Hendersonville, NC 28739-4008 T: (828)693-7248 E: wbevward/@/bellsouth.net Verify the current ringers' contact(s) at the NAGCR Website. *Contact: St.James Church 766 North Main Street Hendersonville, NC 28792-3612 T: (828)693-7458 E: stjamesepiscopal@bellsouth.net info@stjamesepiscopal.com *Schedule: Practice Monday 1930-2100, Saturday 1030-1200; service Sunday 0830-55 & 1030-55 *Remarks: Bells cast and dated in 1977. Also an angelus bell by Meneely (date unknown) *Technical data: Ring of 8 bells Pitch of heaviest bell is A in the middle octave Transposition is not applicable Keyboard range: ROPE / NONE There are no added semitones The whole instrument was installed in 1978 with bells made by Whitechapel No auxiliary mechanisms known Tower details: Height of ringing room: 0 meters above ground Height of lowest level of bells: (unknown) Height of highest level of bells: (unknown) Belfry openness: % Year of latest technical information source is 1978*Links:
This page was built from the database on 16-Sep-18 based on textual data last updated on 2009/12/10 and on technical data last updated on 1979/03/13 |
*Photos: (none available) |
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