Red-X General Store
2401 NW Platte Road (off Mo.Hwy.9)
Riverside, Missouri, USA
A collection of tower bells and other bells
by various American and European makers.
Note: All bells shown are bronze unless otherwise stated;
all photos ©2001 Carl Scott Zimmerman.
Display in front lobby (click photo for enlarged view - 84KB):

photo of Ed. H. Young (d.1999), founder of Red-X
bell by McShane, Baltimore, MD, date not recorded
(detail of trademark - 187KB)
Tower bells in east lobby (click photo for enlarged view - 393KB):

Right to left:
- anonymous American, undated (iron)
- The C.S.Bell Co., Hillsboro, OH, undated (iron)
- anonymous Oriental, undated
- The McShane Bell Foundry Co., Baltimore, MD, 1889
(detail - 464KB)
- Buckeye Bell Foundry (G.W.Coffin), Cincinnati, Ohio, 1846
(detail - 475KB)
- (See #7 below)
Tower bells in east lobby (click photo for enlarged view - 405KB):

Left to right:
- Buckeye Bell Foundry (Vanduzen & Tift), Cincinnati, OH, 1880?
- The Clinton H. Meneely Bell Co., Troy, New York, 1889
(detail - 391KB)
- The Chaplin-Fulton Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, PA, 1904
(detail - 372KB)
- anonymous European?, undated
(detail - 349KB)
- The Chaplin-Fulton Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, PA, 1893
- Buckeye Bell Foundry (Vanduzen & Tift), Cincinnati, OH, 1880
- Stuckstede & Bro., Saint Louis, MO, 1911
- (See #5 above)
- (See #4 above)
- (See #3 above)
- (See #2 above)
- (See #1 above)
Selected bells within the building:

- Clinton H. Meneely Bell Company, Troy, NY, 1882
(enlarged - 136KB)
- Naylor, Vickers & Co. (E.Riepe's Patent), Sheffield, England, 1860 (steel)
(enlarged - 106KB)
- C.S.Bell & Co., Hillsboro, OH, undated (iron)
(enlarged - 176KB)
- The Jones Troy Bell Foundry Co., Troy, NY, 1885
(enlarged - 107KB)
- Witte Hardware Co., St.Louis, MO, undated (iron)
(enlarged - 98KB)
(In the background are portions of the collection of small bells.)
- Favrio Vero d Altasar, Lison (Lisbon, Portugal), 1772
(enlarged - 101KB)
(detail of inscription - 89KB;
(detail of decoration - 76KB)
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This page was created on 10-Dec-01 and last updated on 4-Sep-16.
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