Non-traditional carillons may be found in Europe in the indicated countries:
Countries: Austria, {Belgium}, Bulgaria, Czech Republic (formerly part of Czechoslovakia), {Denmark}, {England (UK)}, Estonia, {Finland}, {France}, {Germany (former East and West combined)}, Greece, Hungary, {Iceland}, {Italy}, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, {Netherlands}, {Norway}, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, {Scotland (UK)}, Serbia (formerly part of Yugoslavia), Spain, {Sweden}, Switzerland, Ukraine
Click on any underlined country name above to go directly to that section of this index, or to the {separate country index page}. (For countries in the British Isles, there is a separate regional index.) Within a country, sites are listed alphabetically by city and site-name.
If you are looking for a specific site by its institutional name (e.g., a church or school) or by the instrument's proper name, then use the "find in page" feature of your Web browser to locate a distinctive word (or partial word) in that name.
GMUNDEN : AUSTRIA Rathaus porcelain bells GRAZ - GM : AUSTRIA Toenendes Erz dat Graz (Sounding bronze of Graz) Gottfried Maurer residence GRAZ - MK : AUSTRIA Mariahilferkirche INNSBRUCK - G : AUSTRIA Glockengießerei Grassmayr INNSBRUCK - STJ : AUSTRIA Johanniskirche (St.John's Church) INNSBRUCK - Z : AUSTRIA Alpenzoo SAINT POELTEN : AUSTRIA Rathaus (City hall) SALZBURG : AUSTRIA Cupola, Archbishop's Palace (Neubau; Neue Rezidenz)
SOFIA - KM : BULGARIA Tower Kambanite Monument
KRTINY : CZECH REP. Pilgrimage church
PATRAI : GREECE St.Andrew's Cathedral (Aghios Andreas)
BUDAPEST : HUNGARY Méria Magdolna Torony (Mary Magdalene tower) KECSKEMÉT : HUNGARY Városháza (City Hall)
RIGA - NC : LATVIA zvon/great Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ RIGA - R : LATVIA Ratsnams (City Hall)
GELGAUDISKIS : LITHUANIA Water tower Gelgaudiskis dvaras (Manor house) SAKIAI : LITHUANIA Park TELSIAI : LITHUANIA (unknown)
LUXEMBOURG : LUXEMBOURG Cathedrale Notre Dame (Liebfrauenkirche)
LICHEN STARY : POLAND Basilica of Our Lady of Lichen (Matki Bozej Lichenskiej Basilica)
FATIMA : PORTUGAL trad* Lower belfry Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima (Basilica) POVOA DE VARZIM : PORTUGAL Heart of Jesus Church
BAIA MARE : ROMANIA Biserica Sfanta Treime (Holy Trinity RC Church)
BELGOROD - mobile : RUSSIA hybrid WW2 memorial of Prokhorovka tank battle KEM - 1 : RUSSIA zvon Solowyetskiy Cloister KONDOPOGA - IP : RUSSIA non-trad Ice Palace MOSKVA - DM : RUSSIA zvon Zvonnitsa (Gatehouse tower) Danilov (St.Daniel) Monastery MOSKVA - ST/1 : RUSSIA Spasskaya Bashnya (The Savior Tower) Kremlin (east wall) MOSKVA - ST/3 : RUSSIA (new carillon) Spasskaya Bashnya (The Savior Tower) Kremlin (east wall) SAINT PETERSBURG - CI/1 : RUSSIA zvon Arka-zvonnitsa (crown) Primorsky Park of Victory SAINT PETERSBURG - M : RUSSIA non-trad/chimola Mariinsky Theater Orchestra Concert Hall SAINT PETERSBURG - PK/2 : RUSSIA trad* Petropavlovskaya Krepost (Peter & Paul Tower; lantern) SERGIEV POSAD : RUSSIA zvon Holy Trinity St.Sergius Lavra Monastery (Russian Orthodox)
BELGRADE : SERBIA Temple of Saint Sava
LIRIA : SPAIN Iglesia y Convento de Nuestra Señora del Remedio SEVILLE : SPAIN Giralda Tower Catedral de Santa María de la Sede
FINHAUT : SWITZERLAND Eglise Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption MORGINS : SWITZERLAND Église SISIKON : SWITZERLAND Tellsplatte SPREITENBACH-KILLWANGEN : SWITZERLAND Reformierte Kirchgemeindehaus Hasel (Kirchliches Zentrum) ZURICH - BK : SWITZERLAND Bijouterie Kurz ZURICH - ZA : SWITZERLAND Hotel Zurich Airport (Holiday Inn) ZURICH - ZR : SWITZERLAND Hotel Zurich-Regensdorf (Holiday Inn)
KIEV - B : UKRAINE hybrid Mobile carillon Botvinko family KIEV - STS : UKRAINE Belltower St.Sophia's Cathedral KIEV - T : UKRAINE hybrid Bell tower Transfiguration Cathedral (Spaso-Preobrazhenskogo sobor)
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