Non-traditional carillons in Africa and Mideast:
index by country

Non-traditional carillons may be found in Africa and the Mideast in the following countries and regions:

DZ - Algeria
ES - Canary Islands (Spanish)
EG - Egypt
LR - Liberia
MZ - Mozambique
ZA - South Africa
ZR - Zaire
ZW - Zimbabwe

Click on any underlined country abbreviation above to go directly to that section of this index page.  Within a country, sites are listed alphabetically by city name.

If you are looking for a specific site by its institutional name (e.g., a church or school) or by the instrument's proper name, then use the "find in page" feature of your Web browser to locate a distinctive word (or partial word) in that name.


  1. Some sites are tagged as follows:

    mechanism is unknown (might be traditional or non-traditional carillon; for the moment, these are indexed as both "trad" and "non-trad".)

  2. If you do not find here a city (or instrument) which you think should be listed, then check the page of sites that are no more or the combined index to all African and Mideastern sites.

Algeria (DZ)

AIN TEMOUCHENT                : ALGERIA     
   Tour de l'Eglise

Canary Islands (ES = Spain)
An autonomous department of Spain.

TENERIFE                      : CANARY IS.  
   Ten Bel Park

Egypt (EG)

ISMAILIYA                     : EGYPT        mech?
   St.Mark Coptic Catholic Church
     (was St.François de Salle)

Liberia (LR)

CAPE PALMAS                   : LIBERIA     
   Church Tower

Mozambique (MZ)

MAPUTO                        : MOZAMBIQUE  
   Catedral da Nossa Senhora da Conceição 

South Africa (ZA = Zuid Afrika)

GERMISTON                     : S AFRICA     mech?
   City Hall Tower
JOHANNESBURG - STA            : S AFRICA    
   St.Aidan Church (Anglican) 
PORT ELIZABETH - CM           : S AFRICA     mech?
   Campanile (Colonist Monument) 

Zaire (ZR)
Zaire was formerly called the (Belgian) Congo. That name has been temporarily retained for one unconfirmed site.


Zimbabwe (ZW)
Zimbabwe was formerly called Rhodesia. That name has been temporarily retained for one unconfirmed site.


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This index page was built from the database on 3-Jun-05 and last revised on 15-Jan-25.

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