Index of sites added or updated AFTER 240908
by country, state/province, city

Because this list is exceptionally large, it has been organized into four parts:
As is usual for single-part update lists, each part is in order by country (including state tags for USA, but not province tags elsewhere) and city.

Part I - The Americas

CHESTER                       : CANADA - NS  chime
   Chester United Baptist Church
MONTREAL - OSM                : CANADA - QU  chime *NEW*
   Orchestre symphonique de Montréal
SAINT JOHN - T                : CANADA - NB  chime
   Trinity Anglican Church
TORONTO - UT                  : CANADA - ON  trad
   Soldiers' Tower
   University of Toronto
AVALON                        : USA - CA     tubular
   Clock tower
   Hillside above Town of Avalon
WASHINGTON - A                : USA - DC     trad
   Annunciation Catholic Church
WASHINGTON - HF               : USA - DC     peal *NEW*
   Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine
     of the Holy Family
WASHINGTON - ZP               : USA - DC     trad
   The Pelzman Glockenspiel
   near southeast pedestrian entrance
   The National Zoo
NEW CASTLE                    : USA - DE     ring
   Immanuel Episcopal Church
CENTRALIA                     : USA - IL     trad
   The Centralia Carillon
   The Centralia Carillon Tower
URBANA - 1                    : USA - IL     chime
   The Senior Memorial Chime
   Upper belfry
   Altgeld Hall
   University of Illinois
BEREA - 2                     : USA - KY     trad
   John Courter Carillon
   Draper Building
     (Jessie Preston Draper Memorial)
   Berea College
BOSTON - FCC/3                : USA - MA     chime
   East tower
   First Church of Christ, Scientist
CAMBRIDGE - HU                : USA - MA     zvon
   Lowell House
   Harvard University
EAST LANSING                  : USA - MI     trad
   John W. Beaumont Memorial Tower
   Michigan State University
RUGBY                         : USA - ND     coll *NEW*
   Henry A. Niewohner Memorial Bell Tower
   Niewohner Funeral Home
ALFRED                        : USA - NY     trad
   Davis Memorial Carillon
   Alfred University
NEW YORK - A                  : USA - NY     chime
   Episcopal Church of the Ascension
ROCHESTER - UR                : USA - NY     trad
   Hopeman Memorial Carillon
   Rush Rhees Library
   River Campus
   University of Rochester
UTICA - G                     : USA - NY     chime
   Grace Episcopal Church
CLEVELAND HEIGHTS - STP       : USA - OH     trad
   Harry A. & Mariah H. Seabrook and
     Thomas Family Memorial Carillon
   St.Paul's Episcopal Church
PORTLAND - T                  : USA - OR     chime
   Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
HANOVER - A                   : USA - PA     chime *NEW*
   Hanover Borough Arboretum
HANOVER - STM                 : USA - PA     tubular
   St.Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church
CHARLESTON - C                : USA - SC     trad
   The Thomas Dry Howie Carillon
   The Thomas Dry Howie Tower
   The Citadel  (Military College)
GREENVILLE - FBC              : USA - SC     chime *NEW*
   First Baptist Church
GREENVILLE - FU/2             : USA - SC     trad
   The Burnside Carillon
   Furman University [new campus]
GREENWOOD - CSMBC             : USA - SC     trad
   Callie Self Memorial Baptist Church
GREENWOOD - FBC               : USA - SC     chime
   First Baptist Church (CBF)
GREENWOOD - GBLC              : USA - SC     chime
   GBLC Building
   (was Greenwood Building and Loan Co.)
GREENWOOD - LC                : USA - SC     non-trad
   Laura Lander Hall
     (formerly Greenwood Hall = Old Main)
   Lander University
SEWANEE - 1                   : USA - TN     trad
   Leonidas Polk Memorial Carillon
   Shapard Tower
   All Saints Chapel
   The University of the South
DALLAS - STJ                  : USA - TX     ring
   St.James Episcopal Church
SHERMAN                       : USA - TX     trad
   Wynne Chapel
   Austin College
LURAY                         : USA - VA     trad
   Belle Brown Northcott Memorial Carillon
   Luray Singing Tower
   Luray Caverns
WALLA WALLA                   : USA - WA     zvon *NEW*
   Saint Silouan Orthodox Church (ROCOR)
36 sites listed

Part II - Europe

AARHUS                        : DENMARK - J  trad
   Rådhus (Town Hall)
ALLINGÅBRO                    : DENMARK - J  trad
   Vejlby Kirke
ASTRUP                        : DENMARK - J  non-trad
BALLERUP                      : DENMARK - S  non-trad
   Vestkirken Tower
BILLUND                       : DENMARK - J  non-trad
BRONDBY STRAND                : DENMARK - S  trad
   Brøndby Strand Kirke
EBELTOFT                      : DENMARK - J  non-trad
ESBJERG                       : DENMARK - J  chime *NEW*
   Zions Kirke
FAABORG                       : DENMARK - F  trad
   Klokketårnet (Bell Tower)
FREDERIKSBERG                 : DENMARK - S  trad
HADSUND                       : DENMARK - J  non-trad
HASSERIS                      : DENMARK - J  non-trad
HERNING                       : DENMARK - J  trad
HILLEROD                      : DENMARK - S  trad
   Slot (Royal Castle)
HJORRING                      : DENMARK - J  non-trad
   Sct.Catharinæ Kirke
HOLBAEK                       : DENMARK - S  trad
   Sct.Nicolai Kirke
HOLSTEBRO - N                 : DENMARK - J  trad
HOLSTEBRO - STJ               : DENMARK - J  trad
   Sct.Jørgenskirke (St.Jorgen Tower)
HOLTE                         : DENMARK - S  trad
   Søllerød Slot (Castle)
IKAST                         : DENMARK - J  non-trad
KALUNDBORG                    : DENMARK - S  trad
   Vor Frue kirke
KOBENHAVN - BB                : DENMARK - S  non-trad
   Ballerup Kirke (Baltropkirke?)
KOBENHAVN - H                 : DENMARK - S  trad
   Helligåndskirken (Holy Spirit Church)
KOBENHAVN - M                 : DENMARK - S  trad
   Margrethekirken (St.Margaret Church)
KOBENHAVN - VF                : DENMARK - S  trad
   Vor Frelsers Kirke
   (Church of Our Saviour)
LOGUMKLOSTER - T              : DENMARK - J  trad
   Kong Frederik IX's Klokkespil
NAKSKOV                       : DENMARK      chime
   Clocktower, near Sparkasse
NYKOBING F.                   : DENMARK      non-trad
ODDER                         : DENMARK - J  non-trad
ODENSE                        : DENMARK - F  trad
   Sct.Knuds Domkirke
   (Saint Canute's Cathedral)
RAMSING                       : DENMARK - J  non-trad
RANDERS                       : DENMARK - J  trad
   Sct.Mortens Kirke
SILKEBORG                     : DENMARK - J  trad
SONDERBORG                    : DENMARK      non-trad
   Sct.Mariæ Kirke
STOUBY                        : DENMARK - J  trad
   South building turret
   Rohden Gods
SVENDBORG                     : DENMARK - F  trad
   Vor Frue Kirke (Our Lady Church)
THISTED                       : DENMARK - J  trad
TORSHAVN                      : DENMARK -FI  non-trad
   Havnar Kirke / Domkirken
ULFKJAER                      : DENMARK - J  non-trad
   Ulfkaer Kirke
VARDE                         : DENMARK - J  trad
   Sct.Jacobi Kirke
VEJLE                         : DENMARK - J  trad
   Sct.Nicolaj Kirke
GODTHAAB                      : GREENLAND    non-trad
   Hans Egedes Kirke
   Edith Adamson Memorial Carillon
   Civic Centre
SAINT HELENS                  : ENGLAND -LA  trad
   St.Mary's, Lowe House, RC Church
KOUVOLA                       : FINLAND      chime
VANTAA                        : FINLAND      trad
   Tikkurila Church
ALBI - ND                     : FRANCE - 81  trad
   Sanctuaire Notre-Dame-de-la-Drèche
ALBI - STS                    : FRANCE - 81  chime
   Collégiale Saint-Salvy
ASPET                         : FRANCE - 31  chime *RENAMED*
   Église Saint-Martin
BLOIS                         : FRANCE - 41  trad
   Sanctuaire Notre-Dame-de-la-Trinité
   (Basilique des Trois Ave Maria)
BOURG-EN-BRESSE               : FRANCE - 01  non-trad
   Co-cathedral Notre-Dame
     de l'Annonciation
CAMBRAI                       : FRANCE - 59  trad
   Hôtel de Ville
CARVIN                        : FRANCE - 62  chime
   Église Saint-Martin
CASTRES                       : FRANCE - 81  trad
   Église Notre-Dame-de-la-Platé
CHALONS-SUR-MARNE             : FRANCE - 51  trad
   Église Notre-Dame-en-Vaux
CHAMBERY                      : FRANCE - 73  trad
   Tour Yolande de France
   Sainte Chapelle
   Château des Ducs de Savoie
CHARLIEU                      : FRANCE - 42  trad
   Église Saint-Philibert
CHATEL                        : FRANCE - 74  non-trad *NEW*
   Ars Sonora Frontiére
   Place de l'Église
CORNEVILLE                    : FRANCE - 27  chime
   Hotel Les Cloches de Corneville
DIJON                         : FRANCE - 21  trad
   Cathédrale Sainte-Bénigne
GREZIEU-LE-MARCHE             : FRANCE - 69  chime
   Église Saint-Barthélemy
HAZEBROUCK                    : FRANCE - 59  trad
   Église Saint-Éloi
HESDIN                        : FRANCE - 62  chime
   Église Notre-Dame
LA FERTE MACE                 : FRANCE - 61  chime
   Église Notre-Dame
LE MAS RILLIER                : FRANCE - 01  trad
   Carillon du Mas Rillier
   (Sanctuaire Notre-Dame du Sacré-Coeur)
LIESSE                        : FRANCE - 02  trad
   Basilique Notre-Dame-de-Liesse
LILLE - NDT                   : FRANCE - 59  trad
   Cathédrale Notre-Dame-de-la-Treille
LILLE - NDV                   : FRANCE - 59  chime
   Église Notre-Dame des Victoires
LILLE - STC                   : FRANCE - 59  chime
   Église Sainte-Catherine
LISIEUX                       : FRANCE - 14  trad
   Basilique Sainte-Thérèse-de-l'Enfant-
LOURDES                       : FRANCE - 65  non-trad
   Sanctuaire Notre-Dame
MILLAU - ND                   : FRANCE - 12  chime
   Église Notre-Dame de l'Espinasse
MOISSAC                       : FRANCE - 82  trad
   Église Saint-Pierre
   (L'Abbaye Saint-Pierre)
MOLANDIER                     : FRANCE - 11  chime
   Église de l'Assomption de Notre-Dame
MONTREUIL-SUR-MER             : FRANCE - 62  chime
   Église abbatiale Saint-Saulve
     (originally Saint-Walloy)
MORZINE                       : FRANCE - 74  chime *NEW*
   Carillon de Morzine
   L'Ars Sonora "Flamme"
   Place de l'Office du Tourisme
NARBONNE                      : FRANCE - 11  trad
   Cathédrale Saint-Just-et-Saint-Pasteur
   Ars Sonora sculpture
PARIS - NDP                   : FRANCE - 00  peal
   Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris
ROUEN - BS                    : FRANCE - 76  non-trad
   Basilique Notre-Dame de Bonsecours
ROUEN - C                     : FRANCE - 76  trad
   Tour Saint-Romain (north tower)
   Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Rouen
SAINT-EMILION                 : FRANCE - 33  chime *NEW*
   Château Angelus
SAINT-JULIEN-GAULÈNE          : FRANCE - 81  chime
   Église Saint-Nicolas de Gaulène
SOISSONS                      : FRANCE - 02  peal
   Cathédrale Saint-Gervais
     et Saint-Protais
TREMENTINES mobile            : FRANCE - 49  trad *NEW*
   Carillon Ambulant Bodet (CAB)
MOUNT ATHOS - V               : GREECE       zvon *NEW*
   Vaitopedi Monastery
REYKJAVIK - BR                : ICELAND      chime
REYKJAVIK - BU                : ICELAND      chime
REYKJAVIK - H                 : ICELAND      non-trad
   Hallgrímskirkja (Cathedral)
CANAZEI                       : ITALY - TN   chime *NEW*
   Building facade
SELVA DI VAL GARDENA          : ITALY - BZ   chime *NEW*
   Building facade
BUSSUM                        : NETHERLANDS  trad
   Gemeentehuis (Raadhuistoren)
LEIDEN - S                    : NETHERLANDS  trad
RHENEN - STC                  : NETHERLANDS  trad
BERGEN                        : NORWAY       trad
DRAMMEN - BK                  : NORWAY       trad
   Bragernes kirke (church)
DRAMMEN - LS                  : NORWAY       chime
   Lier Sykehus
HAUGESUND                     : NORWAY       trad
   Vår Frelsers kirke
LANGHUS                       : NORWAY       chime *RENAMED*
   Langhus kirke
LILLESTRØM                    : NORWAY       chime
   Øvre Rælingen kirke
OSLO - BK                     : NORWAY       chime
   Bredtvet kirke
   St.Johannes Apostel og Evangelist
OSLO - EK                     : NORWAY       chime
   Ellingsrud kirke
OSLO - FK                     : NORWAY       chime
   Fossum kirke
OSLO - HK                     : NORWAY       chime
   Holmlia kirke
OSLO - R                      : NORWAY       trad
   Rådhus (City Hall)
OSLO - RK                     : NORWAY       chime
   Rødtvet kirke
OSLO - SVK                    : NORWAY       chime
   Skøyen Vest kirke
OSLO - VK                     : NORWAY       chime
   Vålerenga kirke
SANDEFJORD                    : NORWAY       trad
STAVANGER                     : NORWAY       trad
   Domkirke (Cathedral)
TRONDHEIM                     : NORWAY       trad
   Nidarosdomen (Cathedral)
CONSTANCIA - mobile           : PORTUGAL     trad
   CICO Lvsitanvs Traveling Carillon
     (Carillhão LVSITANVS)
   Based in Constância, Santarem
GAVLE                         : SWEDEN       trad
   Rådhuset (City Hall)
GISLAVED                      : SWEDEN       non-trad
GOTEBORG                      : SWEDEN       trad
   Krystine Kyrka (St.Kristine Tower,
     or Christinenkirche)
HARNOSAND                     : SWEDEN       non-trad
   Southwest tower
   Domkyrka (Cathedral)
KALMAR                        : SWEDEN       non-trad
   Två Systrars kapell
   (Two Sisters chapel)
KARLSKRONA                    : SWEDEN       trad
   South tower
KARLSTAD                      : SWEDEN       non-trad
KIRUNA                        : SWEDEN       non-trad
   Radhus (or) Stadshustorn
KUMLA                         : SWEDEN       non-trad
LANDSKRONA                    : SWEDEN       trad
   Sofia Albertina kyrka
LINKOPING                     : SWEDEN       trad
   Sct.Lars Kyrka
MALMÖ                         : SWEDEN       trad
   Klocktornet Kampanilen
   (Jaernhardte Stift, or Rådhuset)
NASSJÖ                        : SWEDEN       non-trad
SIGTUNA - mobile              : SWEDEN       trad
   Traveling Carillon
   Bergholtz Klockgjuteri
SODERTÄLGE                    : SWEDEN       non-trad
   Tingsrätten (district court building)
STOCKHOLM - AFK               : SWEDEN       non-trad
   Adolf Fredriks Kyrka Tower
SUNDBYBERG                    : SWEDEN       non-trad
   St.Petrus Syrian Orthodox Church
   (was Fredens Kyrka)
UPPLANDS-VÄSBY                : SWEDEN       non-trad
   Vilunda kyrka
UPPSALA                       : SWEDEN       non-trad
   Gottsunda kyrka
VASTERAS                      : SWEDEN       trad
   Rådhuset (City Hall Tower)
VAXJO                         : SWEDEN       trad
   Domkyrka (Cathedral)
VISBY                         : SWEDEN       trad
   Sancta Maria Domkyrka (Cathedral)
KIEV - T                      : UKRAINE      hybrid
   Bell tower
   Transfiguration Cathedral
   (Spaso-Preobrazhenskogo sobor)
135 sites listed

Part III - Africa and the Middle East

BETHLEHEM - M                 : ISRAEL       chime
BETHLEHEM - MG                : ISRAEL       zvon *NEW*
   Chapel of the Milk Grotto
BETHLEHEM - N                 : ISRAEL       chime *NEW*
   Church of the Nativity             
JERUSALEM - HGC               : ISRAEL       chime
   Holy Sepulchre Church
YAMOUSSOUKRO                  : IVORY COAST  chime *NEW*
   Basilica of Our Lady of Peace
   (Basilique N-D de la Paix)
KILIFI                        : KENYA        ring
   The Memorial Church of St.Thomas
CAPE TOWN - WM                : S AFRICA     trad
   Women's War Memorial
   City Hall
GERMISTON                     : S AFRICA     non-trad
   City Hall Tower
HILLANDALE                    : S AFRICA     ring
   Mariya uMama we Thembe Monastery
     (Order of the Holy Cross,
JOHANNESBURG - AS             : S AFRICA     ring
   All Saints Anglican Church
JOHANNESBURG - E              : S AFRICA     ring
   Easter Exhibition Grounds
JOHANNESBURG - STA            : S AFRICA     chime
   St.Aidan Church (Anglican)
JOHANNESBURG - STG            : S AFRICA     ring
   St.George Anglican Church
JOHANNESBURG - STP            : S AFRICA     ring
   St.Peter's Anglican School
PRETORIA - R                  : S AFRICA     chime
   Reformed Church
KWE KWE                       : ZIMBABWE     ring
   St.Luke's Anglican Church
16 sites listed

Part IV - Asia and the Pacific Rim

SHIMLA (SIMLA)                : INDIA        tubular
   Christ Church 
SHIGARAKI                     : JAPAN        trad
   The Joy of Angels
   Shinji Shumeikai
   (esoteric school)
GLENMARK                      : NEW ZEALAND  tubular *NEW*
   St.Paul's Anglican Church
LEVIN                         : NEW ZEALAND  chime
   St.Mary's Anglican Church
LAGUNA                        : PHILIPPINES  non-trad *NEW*
   De La Salle University
5 sites listed

Worldwide total = 192 sites listed

This index page was built from the database on 31-Dec-24.

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