Index of sites added or updated AFTER 240100
by country, state/province, city

SYDNEY - mobile               : AUSTRALIA    chime
   (Mobile trailer)
AVERBODE - B/mobile           : BELGIUM      trad
   Bronzen piano "Reverté & Van Assche"
   Van Assche residence (unless traveling)
HALLE                         : BELGIUM      trad
   O.L.V. Basiliek
   (was Hoofdkerk St.Martinus until 1946)
IEPER - STG/2                 : BELGIUM      ring
   St.George's Memorial Church (Anglican)
LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE              : BELGIUM      non-trad
   Faculté de Théologie
   Collège Albert Descamps
MECHELEN - KB/mobile          : BELGIUM      trad
   Kon.Beiaardschool "Jef Denyn"
   (Royal Carillon School)
MECHELEN - OLVVH/mobile       : BELGIUM      trad
   Procession carillon (traveling)
   Basiliek OLV-van Hanswijk
MOL                           : BELGIUM      trad
   Sint-Pieter en Pauwel
   (St.-Petrus en Pauluskerk)
MONS - T/mobile               : BELGIUM      trad
   Carillon Reine Fabiola
   Association Catiau Montois
     et Carillons de Mons
SOIGNIES - P/mobile           : BELGIUM      chime
   Carillon de procession
TONGEREN                      : BELGIUM      trad
   O.L.V.Kerk (Basiliek)
SMITH'S PARISH                : BERMUDA      chime
   Church of St.Mark the Apostle (Anglican)
MEDJUGORJE                    : BOSNIA       trad
   Shrine of Our Lady Queen of Peace
   Crkva Sv.Jakova (St.James Church)
MONTREAL - NDA                : CANADA - QU  chime
   Église Notre Dame d'Anjou
NIAGARA FALLS - RB            : CANADA - ON  trad
   The Rainbow Tower Carillon
   Rainbow Tower
   Rainbow Bridge
PETROLIA                      : CANADA - ON  chime
   Christ Church (Anglican)
TORONTO - YP                  : CANADA - ON  trad
   Yorkminster Park Baptist Church
HONG KONG - M                 : CHINA - HK   non-trad
   Methodist International Church
BRODEK U PREROVA              : CZECH REP.   chime
   Freestanding bell frame
PRAHA - mobile                : CZECH REP.   trad
   Prazská Mobilní Zvonohra
   (Prague Mobile Carillon)
   Zvonarstvi Manousek
AALBORG - B                   : DENMARK - J  trad
   Sct.Budolfi Domkirke
   (St.Botolph Cathedral)
AARHUS                        : DENMARK - J  trad
   Rådhus (Town Hall)
HJORRING                      : DENMARK - J  non-trad
   Sct.Catharinæ Kirke
HOLBAEK                       : DENMARK - S  trad
   Sct.Nicolai Kirke
HOLSTEBRO - N                 : DENMARK - J  trad
HOLTE                         : DENMARK - S  trad
   Søllerød Slot (Castle)
IKAST                         : DENMARK - J  non-trad
LOGUMKLOSTER - mobile         : DENMARK - J  trad
   Det transportable klokkespil
     (travelling carillon)
   Det Skandinaviske Klokkenistskole
   (Scandinavian Carillon School)
MARSTAL                       : DENMARK      trad
SVENDBORG                     : DENMARK - F  trad
   Vor Frue Kirke (Our Lady Church)
VEJLE                         : DENMARK - J  trad
   Sct.Nicolaj Kirke
BOURNVILLE                    : ENGLAND -WO  trad
   The George Cadbury Memorial Carillon
     (The Bournville Carillon)
   School Tower
LITTLE WALSINGHAM             : ENGLAND -NF  chime
   Shrine Church of Our Lady of Walsingham
   (The Pilgrim's Hospice)
LOUGHBOROUGH - TF             : ENGLAND -LE  trad
   Carillon tower
   Taylor Bell Foundry
YORK                          : ENGLAND -YO  trad
   Southwest tower
   (Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of S.Peter)
ARBOIS                        : FRANCE - 39  chime *NEW*
   Église Saint-Just
AVESNES-SUR-HELPE             : FRANCE - 59  trad
   Collégiale St-Nicolas
AVRANCHES                     : FRANCE - 50  non-trad
   Basilique Saint-Gervais
BAILLEUL                      : FRANCE - 59  trad
   Beffroi de l'Hôtel de Ville
BERGUES-ST.WINOC - B          : FRANCE - 59  trad
   Beffroi Communal
   (Hôtel de Ville/Stadhuis)
BETHUNE - SC/mobile           : FRANCE - 62  trad
   Carillon mobile "Christophe"
   Église Saint-Christophe de Béthune
   & Association Polyphonia
BLOIS                         : FRANCE - 41  trad
   Sanctuaire Nôtre-Dame-de-la-Trinité
   (Basilique des Trois Ave Maria)
BORDEAUX                      : FRANCE - 33  chime
   Basilique Saint-Michel
BOURBOURG                     : FRANCE - 59  trad
   Town belfry
   Église Saint-Jean-Baptiste
     (St.John's Church)
BUGLOSE                       : FRANCE - 40  non-trad
   Église (Basilique) Nôtre Dame
     de Buglose
CAMBRAI                       : FRANCE - 59  trad
   Hôtel de Ville
CAPPELLE-LA-GRANDE            : FRANCE - 59  trad
   Beffroi communal
CARCASSONNE - STN             : FRANCE - 11  trad
   City carillon
   Basilique St-Nazaire
CARCASSONNE - STV             : FRANCE - 11  trad
   Église Saint-Vincent
CASTELNAUDARY - STM           : FRANCE - 11  trad
   Collégiale Saint-Michel
CASTRES                       : FRANCE - 81  trad
   Église Nôtre-Dame-de-la-Platé
CHAMBERY                      : FRANCE - 73  trad
   Tour Yolande de France
   Sainte Chapelle
   Château des Ducs de Savoie
CHARLIEU                      : FRANCE - 42  chime
   Église Saint-Philibert
CHATELLERAULT                 : FRANCE - 86  trad
   Église Saint-Jacques
CHOLET                        : FRANCE - 49  trad
   Église du Sacré-Coeur
COURZIEU                      : FRANCE - 69  chime
   Église Saint-Didier
DOUAI - HDV                   : FRANCE - 59  trad
   Hôtel de Ville (City Hall)
DOUAI - mobile/2              : FRANCE - 59  trad
   Carillon ambulant de Douai,
     Région Nord, Pas-de-Calais
DUNKERQUE                     : FRANCE - 59  trad
   Beffroi (Tour Église Saint-Eloi)
GOURDON                       : FRANCE - 46  non-trad 
   Eglise Saint-Pierre
GREZIEU-LA-VARENNE            : FRANCE - 69  trad
   Église Saint-Roch
HOMBLEUX                      : FRANCE - 80  chime
   Église St-Médard
HONDSCHOOTE                   : FRANCE - 59  trad
   Église Saint-Vaast
L'ISLE-JOURDAIN - M           : FRANCE - 32  trad
   Musée Campanaire
LE MAS RILLIER                : FRANCE - 01  trad
   Carillon du Mas Rillier
   (Sanctuaire Nôtre-Dame du Sacré-Coeur)
LEZAT-SUR-LEZE                : FRANCE - 09  chime
   Église Saint Jean-Baptiste
LIESSE                        : FRANCE - 02  trad
   Basilique Nôtre-Dame-de-Liesse
LISIEUX                       : FRANCE - 14  trad
   Basilique Sainte-Thérèse de l'E.-J.
MAUBEUGE                      : FRANCE - 59  trad
   Église Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul
MOLANDIER                     : FRANCE - 11  chime
   Église de l'Assomption de Nôtre-Dame
ORCHIES                       : FRANCE - 59  trad
   Église Nôtre-Dame de l'Assomption
PAMIERS - STA                 : FRANCE - 09  trad
   Cathédrale St-Antonin
PERIGUEUX                     : FRANCE - 24  chime *NEW*
   Cathédrale Saint-Front de Périgueux
POLIGNY                       : FRANCE - 39  chime
   Collégiale Saint-Hippolyte
RENCUREL                      : FRANCE - 38  chime *NEW*
   Église Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Rencurel
ROMANS-SUR-ISERE              : FRANCE - 26  chime 
   Tour Jacquemart
ROUEN - C                     : FRANCE - 76  trad
   Tour Saint-Romain (north tower)
   Cathédrale Nôtre-Dame de Rouen
SAINT-GAUDENS                 : FRANCE - 31  trad
   Église Saint-Pierre et Saint-Gaudens
   (Collègiale Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul)
SAINT-JULIEN-GAULENE          : FRANCE - 81  chime
   Église Saint-Nicolas de Gaulène
SAINT-LEON                    : FRANCE - 31  chime
   Église Saint-Léger
SAINT-QUENTIN                 : FRANCE - 02  trad
   Hôtel de Ville
SELONGEY                      : FRANCE - 21  trad
   Église Saint-Remi
SEURRE                        : FRANCE - 21  trad
   Église Saint-Martin
TANINGES                      : FRANCE - 74  trad
   Église Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Taninges
TOULOUSE - STA                : FRANCE - 31  chime *NEW*
   Église Saint-Aubin d'Angers
TOULOUSE - STET               : FRANCE - 31  chime
   Cathédrale Saint-Étienne
TOULOUSE - STF                : FRANCE - 31  chime *NEW*
   Église Saint-François de Paule
     des Minimes
TOULOUSE - STJ                : FRANCE - 31  chime *NEW*
   Église Saint-Jérôme
TOULOUSE - STMP               : FRANCE - 31  chime *NEW*
   Église Saint-Madeleine de Pouvourville
TOULOUSE - STMT               : FRANCE - 31  chime
   Église Saint-Martin-du-Touch
TOULOUSE - STN                : FRANCE - 31  chime *NEW*
   Église Saint-Nicolas
TOULOUSE - STP                : FRANCE - 31  chime *NEW*
   Église Saint-Pierre des Chartreux
   Collégiale Nôtre-Dame
BERLIN - F                    : GERMANY-DDR  trad
   Französischer Dom
   (French dome)
BONN-BEUEL                    : GERMANY-BRD  trad
LOERRACH                      : GERMANY      chime *NEW*
MUENSTER - ODC                : GERMANY      chime *NEW*
   Shop "One Day in Copenhagen"
NEUSTADT                      : GERMANY-BRD  non-trad *NEW*
   Otto Buer Glocken- und Uhrentechnik
OLDENBURG                     : GERMANY      non-trad *NEW*
PASSAU - P/1/mobile           : GERMANY      trad
   Mobile carillon
   Glockengießerei Perner
ROSTOCK - mobile              : GERMANY-DDR  trad
   Konzertglockenspiel Olaf Sandkuhl
CASTELNOVO - 1/mobile         : ITALY - RE   chime
   Transportable chime
   Fonderia Capanni (Capanni Bellfoundry)
CASTELNOVO - 2                : ITALY - RE   peal *NEW*
   Demonstration peal
   Fonderia Capanni (Capanni Bellfoundry)
OSAKA - mobile                : JAPAN        trad
   Traveling carillon
SASEBO - HTB/1                : JAPAN        trad
   Carillon Symphonica
   Inside carillon museum
   Huis ten Bosch
SASEBO - HTB/2                : JAPAN        non-trad
   "City hall Gouda"
   Huis ten Bosch
SASEBO - HTB/3                : JAPAN        chime
   Huis ten Bosch
SASEBO - HTB/4/mobile         : JAPAN        trad
   Self-propelled carillon
   Huis ten Bosch
SASEBO - HTB/5                : JAPAN        chime
   Tante Annie (confectionery)
   Huis ten Bosch
RIGA - NC                     : LATVIA       zvon *NEW*
   Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ
RIGA - R                      : LATVIA       non-trad *NEW*
   Ratsnams (City Hall)
MEXICO CITY - IPN             : MEXICO       non-trad
   Plaza del Carillón
   Instituto Politécnico Nacional
ASTEN - FS/mobile             : NETHERLANDS  hybrid
   Mobile carillon Frank Steijns
   Museum Klok & Peel
ASTEN - P/mobile              : NETHERLANDS  trad
   Travelling Carillon 'de Paltz'
   (was Papageno Traveling Carillon)
   (In storage by Wilhelminastraat gate)
   Royal Eijsbouts
BREDA - OLV                   : NETHERLANDS  trad
   O.L.Vrouwetoren (Grote Kerk)
DORDRECHT - mobile            : NETHERLANDS  trad
   "Bell Moods"
   Concert carillon
GOES - S                      : NETHERLANDS  chime
   Gemeentehuis (City Hall Tower)
OLDEBROEK - mobile            : NETHERLANDS  trad
   Concert carillon van der Knijff
NAUEN - mobile                : NORWAY       trad
   Traveling Carillon
   Olsen Nauen Bellfoundry (home)
CZESTOCHOWA - JG              : POLAND       trad
   Our Lady Tower
   Jasna Góra (Bright Hill) Monastery
ALVERCA                       : PORTUGAL     trad
   Carillhão dos Pastorinhos
   Igreja dos Pastorinhos
   (Church of the Little Shepherds)
CONSTANCIA - mobile           : PORTUGAL     trad
   CICO Lvsitanvs Traveling Carillon
   Based in Constância, Santarem
BELAYA GORA                   : RUSSIA       zvon *NEW*
   Belogorsky Monastery
BELGOROD - mobile             : RUSSIA       hybrid
   WW2 memorial of Prokhorovka tank battle
KALUGA OBLAST                 : RUSSIA       chime *NEW*
   Industrial Carillon
   Nikola-Lenivets art park
KONDOPOGA - IP                : RUSSIA       non-trad *NEW*
   Ice Palace
KONDOPOGA - P                 : RUSSIA       chime *NEW*
KOSTROMA                      : RUSSIA       zvon *NEW*
   Ipatievsky Monastery
   (Hypatian Monastery)
MOSKVA - JV                   : RUSSIA       zvon *NEW*
   Church of Joseph Volotsky
MOSKVA - ST/1                 : RUSSIA       non-trad
   (ancient carillon)
   Spasskaya Bashnya (The Savior Tower)
   Kremlin (east wall)
MOSKVA - ST/3                 : RUSSIA       non-trad *NEW*
   (new carillon)
   Spasskaya Bashnya (The Savior Tower)
   Kremlin (east wall)
SAINT PETERSBURG - PK/1       : RUSSIA       zvon
   Petropavlovskaya Krepost
   (Peter & Paul Tower; main belfry)
SAINT PETERSBURG - PK/2       : RUSSIA       non-trad
   Petropavlovskaya Krepost
   (Peter & Paul Tower; lantern)
SAINT PETERSBURG - PK/3       : RUSSIA       trad
   Petropavlovskaya Krepost
   (Peter & Paul Tower; new lower belfry)
SUZDAL                        : RUSSIA       zvon *NEW*
   Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery
TALDOM                        : RUSSIA       chime *NEW*
   A.A.Tsvetkov School of Arts
TYUMEN                        : RUSSIA       chime *NEW*
   Sberbank plaza
VORONEZH                      : RUSSIA       zvon *NEW*
   Church of St.Xenia of St.Petersburg
STIRLING                      : SCOTLAND-ST  chime
   Tolbooth (or) Broad Street Steeple
BILBAO                        : SPAIN        trad
   Basilica de la Madre de Dios de Begoña
   (Nuestra Señora de Begoña)
SIGTUNA - mobile              : SWEDEN       trad
   Traveling Carillon
   Bergholtz Klockgjuteri
KIEV - HC                     : UKRAINE      chime *NEW*
   Heroes of Chernobyl monument
KIEV - PL                     : UKRAINE      zvon *NEW*
   Kyievo-Pechersk Lavra
   (Kiev Monastery of the Caves)
DALY CITY - CL                : USA - CA     tubular
   Cypress Lawn Memorial Park
FRESNO                        : USA - CA     tubular
   Parade trailer
   Electric Motor Shop
WEIMAR                        : USA - CA     tubular
   Ed Whittlesey residence
CEDAR FALLS                   : USA - IA     trad
   University of Northern Iowa
   (was Iowa State Teachers College)
DES MOINES - STP              : USA - IA     trad
   Cathedral Church of St.Paul (Episcopal)
CHICAGO - MT/2                : USA - IL     ring
   Mitchell Tower
   University of Chicago
CHICAGO - STC                 : USA - IL     trad
   Crane Memorial Carillon
   St.Chrysostom's Episcopal Church
OAK PARK - G                  : USA - IL     chime
   Seabury Chime
   (originally The Charles Seabury
     Memorial Chimes)
   Seabury Tower
   Grace Episcopal Church
BOSTON - STA                  : USA - MA     chime
   Church of St.Augustine & St.Martin
NEWTON CENTER                 : USA - MA     chime
   "America" Tower
   First Baptist Church in Newton (ABC)
NORTHAMPTON - 2               : USA - MA     ring
   Mendenhall Center for the Performing Arts
   Smith College
BALTIMORE - YR                : USA - MD     chime
   J.Joseph Curran Memorial Carillon
   ThanksGiving Place / Prayer Garden
   Stadium Place (south entrance)
BENTON HARBOR                 : USA - MI     chime
   Children's Chimes
   First Congregational Church (UCC)
DETROIT - STAN                : USA - MI     chime
   South tower
   Basilica of Ste.Anne de Detroit
DETROIT - STMR                : USA - MI     trad
   St.Mary of Redford Catholic Church
ENDICOTT                      : USA - NY     chime
   West side tower
   First United Methodist Church
GLOVERSVILLE - FC             : USA - NY     chime
   First Congregational Church (UCC)
WILLIAMSVILLE                 : USA - NY     trad
   The Niederlander Carillon
   Calvary Episcopal Church
BEXLEY                        : USA - OH     tubular
   Trinity Lutheran Seminary (ELCA)
   (associated with Capital University)
CINCINNATI - GH               : USA - OH     non-trad
   Gate of Heaven Catholic Cemetery
DAYTON - BW                   : USA - OH     chime
   The Bell Wagon (mobile)
   Carillon Historical Park
VAN WERT                      : USA - OH     chime
   St.Mark's Lutheran Church (ELCA)
WILMINGTON --                 : USA - OH     trad
   Simon Goodman Memorial Carillon
   Collett Mall
   Wilmington College
KENNETT SQUARE - 2            : USA - PA     trad
   Chimes Tower
   Longwood Gardens
PHILADELPHIA - STL            : USA - PA     chime
   St.Luke's Episcopal Church
POTTSTOWN - Mobile/1          : USA - PA     trad
   traveled with "Cast in Bronze" musical group
POTTSTOWN - Mobile/2          : USA - PA     trad
   The DellaPenna Family Carillon
   travels with Charlie St.Cyr-Paul
   musical group; based in USA
READING - CC                  : USA - PA     chime
   Christ Episcopal Church
CORPUS CHRISTI - FBC          : USA - TX     trad
   Glasscock Memorial Carillon
   First Baptist Church (SBC)
LUBBOCK - TTU                 : USA - TX     trad
   Charles & Georgia Robertson Baird
     Memorial Carillon
   West tower
   Administration Building
   Texas Tech University
NORFOLK - VAF/mobile          : USA - VA     non-trad
   VAF mobile carillon
   Virginia Arts Festival (VAF)
RICHMOND - WM                 : USA - VA     trad
   Virginia Soldiers' War Memorial
MIDDLEBURY                    : USA - VT     trad
   Middlebury College Chapel
   (formerly Mead Memorial Chapel)
NORTHFIELD                    : USA - VT     trad
   Charlotte Nichols Greene Memorial Carillon
   Jeannie Porter Adams Memorial Tower
   Norwich University
177 sites listed

This index page was built from the database on 9-Feb-24.

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