Index of new & updated sites
by country, state/province, city

SYDNEY - STP                  : AUSTRALIA    chime/ring
   St.Philip's Anglican Church
EXETER                        : CANADA - ON  chime/ring
   Trivitt Memorial Church (Anglican)
     and Precious Blood Mission (RC)
MOOSE JAW                     : CANADA - SK  chime
   St.Aidan Anglican Church
   (was St.John's Anglican Church)
TORONTO - MUC                 : CANADA - ON  trad
   Massey/Drury Memorial Carillon
   Metropolitan United Church
LOUGHBOROUGH - TF/2           : ENGLAND -LE  trad
   Carillon tower
   Taylor Bell Foundry
   SS.James & Basil Parish Church
TOWCESTER - 1                 : ENGLAND -NH  chime *NEW*
   St.Lawrence Parish Church
TOWCESTER - 2                 : ENGLAND -NH  ring *NEW*
   St.Lawrence Parish Church
BERLIN - KW                   : GERMANY-BRD  chime
   Altes Glockenturm
BIELEFELD                     : GERMANY-BRD  non-trad
   Lower belfry
   Alte Nicolaikirche
WOLFSBURG                     : GERMANY-BRD  non-trad
   Rathausturmfassade (northwest)
CONSTANCIA (mobile)           : PORTUGAL     trad
   CICO Lvsitanvs Traveling Carillon
   Based in Constância, Santarem
SANTA BARBARA                 : USA - CA     trad
   Thomas M. Storke Student
     Publication Building
   University of California
NEW HAVEN - YU/1              : USA - CT     trad
   Yale Memorial Carillon
   Harkness Tower
   Yale University
NEW HAVEN - YU/2              : USA - CT     ring *NEW*
   Pauli Murray Residential College
   Yale University
WALLINGFORD - C               : USA - CT     chime
   Seymour St.John Chapel
     (was Choate Chapel)
   Choate Rosemary Hall
ROCHESTER                     : USA - MN     trad
   The Rochester Carillon
   Plummer Building
   Mayo Clinic
ALBANY - CH                   : USA - NY     trad
   City Hall
NEW YORK - TC/2               : USA - NY     ring
   Trinity Parish Church (Episcopal)
NACOGDOCHES                   : USA - TX     non-trad *NEW*
   Griffith Fine Arts Building
   Stephen F. Austin State University
ARLINGTON                     : USA - VA     trad
   The Netherlands Carillon
   Netherlands Carillon Gardens
NORFOLK - VAF/mobile          : USA - VA     non-trad *NEW*
   VAF mobile carillon
   Virginia Arts Festival (VAF)
ATHENS                        : USA - WV     trad
   The Marsh Family Memorial Carillon
   Joseph F. Marsh Hall
     (Administration Building)
   Concord University
23 sites listed

This index page was built from the database on 18-Jul-16.

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