*Location: Sanctuaire Notre-Dame-de-la-Drèche Route de la Dreche (D92A) Albi, Tarn, France LL: N 43.96941, E 2.15414
*Carillonist: Jean Pierre Carme E: jean-pierre.carme@orange.fr - and - Corinne Salles E: sallesc14@gmail.com - and - Jérôme Boutiè E: jeromeboutie/@/free.fr*Former carillonist: 1970-90 Jean-Louis Viguier *Contact: M. le Curé de N-D-de-la-Drèche Sanctuaire Notre-Dame-de-la-Drèche Route de la Dreche 81380 Cagnac-les-Mines France *Schedule: First Sunday of every month, 1600-1700; tower open to visitors 1600-1800. *Remarks: Sub-bourdon cast by Pourcel, Aveyron, in 1883. New keyboard 2005 included pedals for 3 swingers; 4th swinger & pedal added in 2010, 2 trebles in 2016, 5 trebles in 2017. Manual & pedal have dropped keys for future bass C#,D#; pedal for sub-bourdon is outside the console frame, as were pedals for 3 swingers in 1981 console. *Technical data: Traditional carillon of 36 bells Pitch of heaviest bell (excluding sub-bourdon) is B in the middle octave Keyboard range: C C 37/(G) C G 21 Transposition is up 11 semitone(s), i.e., from C to B There are two missing bass semitones The presence or absence of a practice console is unknown The instrument was enlarged in 2017 with 5 bells made by Cornille-Havard Prior history: In 2016, the instrument was enlarged to 31 bells by Cornille-Havard (2 bells were added in and/or remain from that work.) Keyboard range was: C E / ---- In 2010, the instrument was enlarged to 29 bells by Cornille-Havard (1 bells were added in and/or remain from that work.) Pitch of heaviest bell was unknown Keyboard range was: (?C)C D / ____14 In 2005, the keyboard was replaced by an unknown maker Pitch of heaviest bell (excluding sub-bourdon) was E in the treble octave Keyboard range was: C C 25/(??)C C 16 Transposition was up 16 semitone(s), i.e., from C to E There were no missing bass semitones In 1981, the instrument was enlarged to 28 bells by Paccard Keyboard range was: (C)C D / ____ 3 In 1940, the instrument was begun with 18 bells by Paccard (except for 1) Pitch of heaviest bell was unknown Keyboard range was: ---- / NONE There were three added semitones Auxiliary mechanisms: M4 Tower details not available Year of latest technical information source is 2017*Links:
This page was built from the database on 29-Dec-24 based on textual data last updated on 2024/12/22 and on technical data last updated on 2023/02/24 |
*Photos: (none available) |
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