
   Clausthal Univ. of Technology
   (was Bergakademie)
   Adolph-Roemerstraße at Graupenstraße
       Niedersachsen, Germany
   LL: N 51.8046, E 10.3346
*Former location (1956-2000):
   Bergakademie building
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   TU Clausthal
   - or -
   Prof.Dr.Friedrich H. Balck


   Daily 0900, 1200,1700


   University since 1968.  Relocated,
   with new automatic and manual controls,
   Sep.2000 - Jul.2001

*Technical data:

   Electric-keyboard carillon of 25 steel bells
   Pitch of heaviest bell is unknown
   Transposition is unknown
   Keyboard range:     C C   /    NONE  
   There are no missing bass semitones
   The whole instrument was installed in 1956
     with steel bells made by Bochumer Stahlverein 
   No auxiliary mechanisms known
   Tower details not available
   Year of latest technical information source is 2012

The University Website has an illustrated history of the relocation of these bells from the Spittelwiesen of the Bergakademie (where they had resided since 1956) to a new freestanding tower, with new controls in the foyer between Horst Luther auditorium and the Institute of Organic Chemistry.  Unfortunately there is no photo of their original location.

A German-language article about the city mentions the Bergakademie but has no references or details.

A German-language article about the University has historic photos of the building but says nothing about these bells.

The University Website also says nothing about these bells.

Where this work lies in the sequence of output of the Bochumer Verein bellfoundry, in this region and in the world.

Ranking among all German non-traditional carillons by weight.
Ranking among all German non-traditional carillons by size (number of bells).
Ranking among all German non-traditional carillons by year of completion.

Index to all tower bell instruments in Germany/Lower Saxony.

   This page was built from the database on  1-Aug-14
   based on textual data last updated on 2014/07/26
   and on technical data last updated on 2012/10/14

(none available)

Explanations of page format and keyboard range are available.

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