*Location: Clock tower Hillside above Town of Avalon Chimes Tower Road Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, California, USA LL: N 33.34766, W 118.32843
*Player: Jani Eisenhut *Contact: Santa Catalina Island Conservancy *parcel: 125 Claressa Avenue Avalon, CA *postal: PO Box 2739 Avalon, CA 90704-2739 T: 310-510-2595 - or - Catalina Chimes Tower Foundation E: Webform @ catalinachimes.org - or - Charles Canby 242 Whittley Avenue PO Box 704 Avalon, CA 90704 C: 310-809-0661 H&W: 310-510-1240 F: 310-510-0686 E: cccanby@me.com *Schedule: (unknown) *Remarks: Tower tubes by Deagan, with extra keyboard; installed by C.J.Lustig, and later maintained by Roy Lofink. Publicized as a gift to the town by Mrs. William Wrigley Jr., though the Deagan installation record shows that it was purchased by her husband. This is not to be confused with the Wrigley Memorial a few miles away. 2024: total restoration of building and strikers in process. *Technical data: Electric-keyboard chime of 20 tubular bells Pitch of heaviest bell is unknown Keyboard range: ---- / ---- Transposition is unknown The arrangement of tones and semitones is unknown. The whole instrument was installed in 1926 with tubular bells made by Deagan Auxiliary mechanisms: QHE Tower details not available Year of latest technical information source is 2002*Links:
This page was built from the database on 29-Dec-24 based on textual data last updated on 2024/12/22 and on technical data last updated on 2002/04/01 |
*Photos: (none available) |
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